Release Notes
The release notes, which are grouped by release date, include descriptions of new features, changes to existing features, and resolved issues.
Releases are scheduled bi-weekly on Tuesday nights. For more information on Ambition's maintenance and release schedule, click here.
Check out our 2024 Release Notes here!
December 26, 2023
Version. 3.215.0
New Features:
- Fantasy Competition Form - Add to TV: The Fantasy competition creation form now offers the ability to add the competition details to a existing Ambition TVs. This will save administrators an extra step when adding the competition to a TV.
- 30 Minute Increments For Recurring Challenges: Recurring challenges now support selecting a start and/or end time at 30 minute intervals, ex. start at 12:30pm.
- Analytics Quadrant Downloads: The supporting table for the Quadrant can now be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet. Additionally, the Analytics Spreadsheet export is now an Excel spreadsheet instead of a CSV.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Dashboard Productivity Tab: The Productivity tab on group dashboards will now show the quadrant graph and user tables side by side. This makes it easier to find a specific user node in the related table.
- Display Inactive Users in Competitions & Workflows: The competition and workflow manage pages will now show if the creator or editor is no longer an Ambition licensed user. The user name will be shown in gray followed by the label (inactive).
- Competition Page Load Times: All of the competition pages have been improved for faster load times.
Resolved Issues:
- Feedback Agenda Items from Templates: The check-in form has been fixed to allow Feedback agenda items from templates. These can be filled out and saved.
- Past Accolade End Dates: The accolade creation form has been fixed so that it no longer allows the creator to select an end date that is in the past. Selecting today is acceptable.
- Program Attribution Metrics: The Program form will no longer show deleted metrics as available metrics in the Attribution step of the form.
December 14, 2023
Version. 3.214.0
New Features:
- Competitions - Create Challenges Permission: The new permission of “Competitions: Create Challenge” has two levels of access: Can Create Challenges for Anyone and Can Create Challenges for Managed Users/Groups. The system manager permission set is updated to include "Can Create Challenges for Managed Users/Groups" by default. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Updated Hierarchy Selector - "Users" changed to "Employees": The wording within the hierarchy selector has been updated to use "employees" instead of "users". Employees will also be the first option when picking a hierarchy selection, then group types, manager, then organization where applicable.
- TVs and Branding Management Updates: TV and branding management has been updated to be a tabbed experience with updated grids including created by and last modified data points and a bulk delete option. Filters and a search option have been incorporated into both management grids. Breadcrumbs have been added to the create and edit forms.
- Allow User/Group to compete in Multiple Fantasy Competitions: Users and groups can now participate in multiple fantasy competitions at the same time.
- Quadrant Sortable Columns: The name, metric, and ratio columns on the quadrant table will be sortable upon click.
- Quadrant - Legend On/Off Option: The quadrant's labels - LOW/HIGH INPUT/OUTPUT - can cover data points. A new filter, Legend, will hide these labels. Default on.
Resolved Issue:
- Metric Agenda Item Responsiveness: The layout for the metric agenda item has been enhanced from better responsiveness.
- Program Sessions That Are Ending Won't Close Associated Check-Ins: The check-in due date will be respected, and the check-in will close as expected.
December 12, 2023
Version. 3.213.0
New Features:
- Public API - Comments Endpoints: Ambition's Public API will feature dedicated endpoints for agenda item comments. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Public API - Action Plans Endpoint: A list of action plans no longer contains agenda items matching the functionality of the check-ins endpoint. In order to view agenda items and their comments, the individual action plan will be retrieved.
- Manager Utilization Report - Additional Data Points: The manager utilization report will now contain additional information for each manager row including: count of employees coaching, count of action plans created, count of agenda item comments created on employee's content (check-ins, action plans, group check-ins), count of goals created, count of public notes created, count of private notes created, count of action items created, count of check-ins created, count of check-ins completed, count of expired check-ins, count of check-ins excused, and columns that include group type information for groups a manager is a member of.
- Workflows Management Changes: Standardized the "edit" button being housed within the ellipses icon menu, added avatars for the created by and last modified by user, made the workflow name clickable on the events, jobs, and queue tabs, updated the failed and processed icons to be red and green respectively in order to make the status easier to identify.
- Verify Metric Logic: The Salesforce integration option known as Spot Checking, will now be called "verify" and it's available within all data integration types (no longer limited just to Salesforce!). You can now select a date range (instead of having to check a single day at a time) you'd like to verify against as well as the option to exclude filters in order to view all records that fit the user and date field criteria.
- Metric Library - Object Name: The object that powers a metric will be displayed within the metric library. If the metric is a formula builder metric, the left and right metric names will be displayed along with the operator.
Resolved Issue:
- Restore Access to TV Settings: A TV's settings will be accessible and editable while viewing a TV.
December 7, 2023
Version. 3.212.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Pause Coaching Programs: Coaching programs can be "paused" indefinitely or until a specific date. Programs can be paused one at a time or in bulk. At any time, you can resume a paused program(s) as well. While paused, a program will not generate new check-ins. Once unpaused, the check-ins will begin being generated again on the program's set schedule.
- Coaching Accountability - Group Level Information: The coaching accountability check-in statistics will now features data on a group level as well. Notable changes include manager's associate to a specific group type and selecting a default, being able to view the specific employees being coached, visibility into which templates managers are using.
Resolved Issue:
- Increase Metric Selection Limit: Within cadences, programs, and program templates, you will have visibility into 25 metrics at a time instead of just 5.
- Access Hierarchy Selector When a User/Group is Deactivated: The hierarchy selector will be visible even in cases where a deactivated user or group was selected.
December 5, 2023
Version. 3.211.0
New Features:
- Cadence Effectiveness: Associate specific metrics with a cadence to track the impact to those metrics pre, during, and post cadence. By default, those who have already created and implemented Cadences will see an empty state on the effectiveness tab. A cadence can be edited to select effectiveness metrics. Additionally, these metrics can be edited or changed at any time in the edit form.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Ability to Update Saved Reports: Saved reports can now be updated! While viewing a saved report, you can easily make edits and save your changes instead of having to create a new report.
- Closing Programs and Ending Recurring Check-Ins for Deactivated Managers: Recurring check-ins and programs will be finished when a manager (owner) is deactivated.
- Salesforce Integration - Data Configuration: The data configuration page within a Salesforce integration will be formatted as a table instead of cards to make it easier to search for and locate synced objects, fields, and meta data.
Resolved Issue:
- Restore Ability to Comment on Group Check-Ins: Comments are able to be added for a group check-in with any status.
- Save Edits Prompt: Users will be promoted to save edits when using the "back" button to navigate away from a page.
- Confirmation Modal Button Spacing: The buttons in a confirmation modal are now right aligned.
November 27, 2023
Version. 3.210.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Auto Save Check-In Ratings: Adding or updating a check-in rating within a check-in no longer requires an explicit clicking of the "Save" button.
- Group Management Export: The group manager now provides a group type and group export. The export provides an "All Groups" tab that contains the group type name, group name, # of members, and # of managers for all groups that your organization has created. Additional tabs will be provided for each specific group type that will feature group names, # of members, and # of managers. Learn more here.
- Set Intuitive Landing Page: Users with manager permission will have their landing page set to "Manager Dashboard" in cases where they haven't selected a custom landing page.
- Comment Usability Improvements: The comment area will auto-resize for longer messages, feature more consistent line height, and support blockquote formatting.
- Integration Management Interface Update: The integration management page provides a new experience for creating and managing integrations. Notable changes to the integrations management experience: active integrations will be featured in a list form instead of a card view, new integrations will be enabled on a separate page - accessed through the + Enable New Integration button - instead of being enabled at the bottom of the integration management page, and a search bar is added to both the integration management and enable integrations pages.
Resolved Issue:
- Managers Without "Create Program" Permission: Managers with no permission to create a coaching program will still be able to add additional agenda items or edit agenda items they added (items not part of a template) to programs they own.
- Coaching Card "Due Date" Timezone: The due date for group check-in and action plans will be listed in the current user's timezone.
- Cadence Owner Name and Description: The cadence owner and description will no longer overlap.
- User/Group Thumbnail Sizing: The user/group circle thumbnail that appears in selectors will not lose their shape in certain areas.
November 16, 2023
Version. 3.209.0
New Features:
- Dynamic Coaching Templates: When your check-in, group check-in, and program templates are edited, those changes will cascade down to all active events that were built with the selected template. Teams can bulk apply changes to agendas at scale. You may notice a few changes in your upcoming check-ins. Learn more about the changes here.
- Challenge Competitor Selections - Custom Logic Option: Challenges offer a new Competitor Selection option of “Custom Logic” for user based competitions (hierarchy selection = user). Customers can use AND, OR, and NOT logic to correctly segment competition participants based on multiple, existing group memberships, ex. “Atlanta” location OR “Nashville” location AND “Account Executive” Role, instead of having to create a bespoke group for a competition, ex. Southeast Account Executives. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Employee Cannot Submit Coaching Comments When "Answers Due": Comments can no longer be added by an employee until they have submitted the agenda for review. The removal of comments when the agenda is in "answers due" status was done to reduce confusion for answering agenda items. Managers and co-coaches can continue to add comments at any time.
- Cadence Form Duration: An estimate of the cadence's duration is now presented in the cadence forma once two or more steps have been added.
- Program Edit Permissions: If a manager has "Can Create Programs for Self" permission, they will not be able to edit programs that are made for them by another manager or admin.
- Most Recent Time in Cadence: An employee's cadence membership history will display the most recent time in a cadence first.
- No Redirect After Excusing or Completing: When marking an action plan as excused or complete, you will no longer be redirected back to the Manage page but rather remain on the same page where the action was performed.
- Competition Page Empty State: A new icon has been added to the empty state for competition pages with an additional call to action of creating a competition if no competitions have been created.
Resolved Issue:
- Restrict Deletion of Active Coaching Templates: Templates that are being used within active coaching events can no longer be deleted.
November 8, 2023
Version. 3.208.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Prompt to Save Answers and Comments: Users will be prompted by their respective browser's leave page" warning" to submit coaching agenda item answers and comments in all areas of Ambition if they have added or changed an answers or comments and are attempting to navigate away from the page without saving.
- Template Selector Will Be Unlocked in the Program Edit Form: To support upcoming changes with coaching templates, the program template selector will be unlocked. Learn more about the upcoming changes here.
- Bulk Delete Support for Competitions > Manage: Competitions can be bulk deleted on the competitions > manage page. Whether it's removing competitions that no longer need to be reviewed or deleting competitions for a specific manager, you can filter down and delete multiple competitions at once.
- Unify Available Filters for Competitions Overview and Manage: Both the Overview and Manage page will offer the following filter options: Search, Competitor, Competition, Competition Type, Competition Status, and Created By. The competitions > manage page will have an additional filter of Competition Mode which will differentiate between live and hidden competitions.
- Remove Twitter Accolade Social Share Option: Twitter will no longer be an offered destination for socially sharing an accolade.
- Goal TV Slide Support for Repeating Goals: Goal TV Slides can be created for repeating goals. When creating the slide, a single goal owner (specific group or user) will be selected. The latest goal in the repeating series will be displayed on the slide.
- Metrics: Edit Permission: The "Metrics: Edit" permission will now grant access to the "Metric Library" tab in the left hand navigation.
Resolved Issue:
- Required Poll Agenda Item: The '(required)' tag is added after the poll agenda item follow-up question if the item is required.
- Get Help and Learn - Announcements: The background color of the "announcements" panel will be the standard Ambition blue color.
October 31, 2023
Version. 3.207.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Group Manager Interface Update: The group manager provides a new experience for creating and editing groups and group types. Notable changes to the group information displayed: the group creator will be listed if a group is created through the add group form and both the members and manager count will be visible and sortable.
- Goals Dashboard Tab - Filters Added: The "Goals" tab on a dashboard will feature both a filter toolbar and a create goal option for those with applicable permission.
Resolved Issue:
- End Custom Targets with "-" Character: Custom scorecard targets will be correctly ended when a "-" is input in the custom target calendar. After using the "-" character, the target will revert to the target set for the respective scorecard role.
- Duplicate Challenge Reference: Challenges that are duplicated and have the competitors or prizes edited will not impact the original competition where the duplication occurred or vice versa.
October 26, 2023
Version. 3.206.0
New Features:
- Public API - Notes Endpoints: Ambition's Public API will feature dedicated endpoints for coaching notes. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Formula Builder Metric Description: The description field is updated to a text area to improve visibility into metric descriptions.
- Repeating Goals: Repeating Goals can now be created with a start date in the past if the first Goal will end in the future (as compared to the current date).
- Advance an Employee to the next step in a Cadence: If a user missed a deadline for a cadence step, instead of waiting for the next time interval, they can now be manually enrolled into the next step in their cadence.
Resolved Issue:
- Remove Manager Relationship When Group is Deleted: In the case of a group being deleted, the relationship between the group manager and group members will end at the time of group deletion.
- Clone Cadence Progression: When a coaching cadence is duplicated to a new cadence, the progression settings will now also be duplicated.
- API Sandbox - Swagger Access: Ambition public API documentation and endpoints can successfully be accessed through /api/v2/schema/swagger-ui/.
October 18, 2023
Version. 3.205.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Competitions > Overview: If a user has "Competitions: All Access" permission, a "create competition" button will be available on the overview page. Filter information is right aligned. "Active Filters" label is removed.
- Competitions > Manage: The avatar of the competition creator and last modifier will accompany their name. Note, recurring competitions created prior to April 4th, 2023 will not feature a "created by" user.
- Coaching > Manage > Check-Ins: Check-ins will be ordered by most recent creation time.
- Coaching > Metric Agenda Item: When creating a metric agenda item, the time selector now shows specific dates for which days will be included in the metric snapshot.
October 12, 2023
Version. 3.204.0
New Features:
- Public API - Action Item Endpoints: Ambition's Public API will feature dedicated endpoints for action items. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- File Upload Size Limit Increase: Profile images, note attachments, files within a file upload integration, and agenda item attachments will support uploading a file up to 10MB instead of the previous 2MB file size limit.
- Formatting Options for Formula Builder Metrics: The formula builder metric form now offers formatting options of number, currency, percent, and duration.
- Coaching > Manage > Programs - Program Template Filter: On the coaching > manage page, the program tab featured a "template" column, and now features a "template" filter as well.
- Coaching > Manage > Check-Ins - Template Filter: On the coaching > manage page, the existing "template" filter on the check-in tab will offer filtering by either check-in or program template.
- User Directory - Name Column: Clicking on a user's name will navigate you into their user settings instead of requiring a click of the gear icon edit button. With the name now being blue text, permission designations will use gray text.
- Unification of button sizes and text: Button sizing on the notes, user directory, goal cards, attach file are unified. The text on the analytics home page no longer features text that is all capitalized.
Resolved Issue:
- Cadence Manager and Co-Coaches: An employee, that is also a manager, cannot assign themself as their own co-coach or manager in a cadence.
October 10, 2023
Version. 3.203.0
New Features:
- Metrics Tab on Group Dashboard - Saving Default View: Users with system admin permission will be able to create and save a default view for the displayed metrics on group dashboards. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Challenges - User > Within > Group(s): If the hierarchy level of a challenge is "Users > Within > a group", you will be given the option to keep the challenge competitors up to date with group membership changes or lock in the competitor list for the duration of the challenge. Learn more here.
- Action Plan Filters: Both the action plan tab and mange action plans views will support search of questions, answers, and comments within action plans as well as feature additional filters of Manager, Employee, Co-Coach, Status, Template, and Due Date.
- Updated Message Bars and Improved Buttons: The message bars that appear at the bottom of the screen have been updated with a new, colorful design. The buttons, ex. View or Manage, are now more readable.
October 4, 2023
Version. 3.202.0
Resolved Issues:
- Group Check-In Template Permissions: Users that can create group check-in templates will be able to edit them as well.
- Feature Limit Querysets: Metric and integration feature limits will use distincts to prevent duplicates.
- Closing Recurring Check-Ins for Deactivated Users: Recurring check-ins will be closed when a user is deactivated in Ambition.
October 3, 2023
Version. 3.201.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Gong Video Player: The Gong call detail view now displays the Gong player. The detail view allows for searching and views on this page will now count in Gong for our users.
- Spellcheck: Added spellcheck to all text areas across Ambition.
- Add URLs to Coaching Questions: The Question Agenda Item question field is now a rich text field, supporting hyperlinks.
- Coaching Instructions: Updating spacing and styling in the coaching instructions form.
- Group Settings Page: Added the (Optional) tag to anthem, gif, and image fields for the Group Settings page.
Improved Page Responsiveness: The following have been optimized for smaller screens:
- My Check-Ins Page
- Recurring Check-In Page
- Group Check-In Pages
- Comment Toolbar
- Editing Competition Navigation: Added breadcrumbs to the Edit Challenge and Edit Fantasy pages for improved navigation.
Resolved Issues:
- Manage Action Plans Page: Employee and Owner columns can now be sorted alphabetically.
- Cadence Delete Confirmation: The cadence delete modal's text to be consistent with the close modal.
September 19, 2023
Version. 3.200.0
New Features:
- Cadence Progression Options: Every cadence is unique especially when it comes to how users should progress through the cadence. When creating a cadence, you can now select if you'd like employees to automatically progress to the next step, or if you'd only like a user to progress when their current cadence step is marked complete. Learn more here.
- Duplicating Challenges: Challenges can now be duplicated! If you created a challenge that was such a hit you want to run it again, you can now duplicate the challenge and all you have to select is the new start and end times. Learn more here.
- Due Dates for Action Items: Action items now support adding an optional due date and due time. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Improved Page Responsiveness - Check-In - List View: Viewing the list of coaching check-in has been optimized for smaller screens.
- Accolade Tab Styling: The Accolades, Achievements, and Manage pages have been updated to use tabbed styling.
- Username Field Added to User Settings: A read-only username field is added to user's settings page.
- Competition Management Changes: The competition's name is now the first column on the grid. A status indicator is added to both the grid and the available filters.
- Coaching Management Changes: The "Status" column is moved to be the second column after "Name" on the check-in, action plan, and program grids.
- Productivity Quadrant Hover State: When hovering over a point on the quadrant, the user's name will be displayed.
- Goals Within Check-ins: The "Goals" tab has been restored within check-ins.
- Breadcrumbs - Competition Creation and Duplication: Breadcrumbs are added while creating or duplicating a competition.
- Content Block URLs: Content Blocks will assume that any linked URLs are external and will formatted as external links.
- Check-In Save Progress, Submit for Review, and Mark as Complete Approve Buttons: Our "primary" button styling is applied to the save progress, submit for review, and mark as complete buttons to clarify the main action a user should take.
Resolved Issues:
- Smart Target Tooltip: The tool tip text is updated to reflect "target" rather than "benchmark".
- Sorting by Employee or Manager on Manage > Coaching: Coaching check-ins will now be correctly sorted by employee or manager name when opting to sort ascending or descending.
- Salesforce User Attributes: Appropriate spacing between the user attributes and add button was restored.
- Anthem Preview: Update anthem URLs to handle a recent param change made by YouTube.
- Add Progress for Future Goals: The "Add Progress" button will be hidden on manual entry goals that have a start date in the future.
- Extend and Notify Based on Status: The "Extend and Notify" option will only be displayed when check-ins or actions plans are "Due".
- Cadence Completed Time: An employee's cadence completion time will now correctly reflect when a cadence is completed.
- Co-Coach Email for Action Plan Completion: Co-coaches will now be eligible to receive an action plan completed email.
September 5, 2023
Version. 3.199.0
New Features:
- Coaching Instructions: Coaching templates and cadence step creation now feature an optional "Coaching Instructions" section. Resources, talk tracks, and guidelines for how to coaching when using a respective template or cadence can be embedded directly within the coaching agenda. The “Instructions” section is collapsible in the case of a manager/admin screen sharing with the employee being coached. Learn more here (example check-in template).
- Co-Coaches for Cadences: Co-coaches can now be assigned for the entire duration of a cadence and can be assigned in bulk. On both the cadence employee grid and while adding employees to a cadence, co-coaches can be added and managed at scale. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Group Check-In Search: The search functionality has been expanded from being able to search for group check-ins by name to supporting search of text in content blocks, notes, comments, and action items.
- View Previous Notes and Action Items: Notes and action items from previous sessions of a repeating check-in and cadence can be accessed within the current session.
- Check-In Search: Users will be able to search for content within their own check-ins or check-ins they co-coach.
- Group Check-In Deletion: Co-coaches of group check-ins will no longer be presented with the option to delete.
- Editing Cadence Check-Ins: Check-ins generated from a cadence will no longer have the option to be edited. Any needed editing of cadence content will happen at the cadence level.
- Cell Phone Field in User Settings: The cell phone field will no longer be available or displayed within user settings.
- Leaderboard Slide - Grid View with Multiple Metrics: In cases where the first metric does not have any data, instead of displaying the “No Data” message, the second, third, etc metric will be used to rank users in attempt to prevent a blank slide. If the “Show users without Data” toggle is enabled, there will be no change and the first metric will still be used to rank users.
- Edit Complete Goals: Goals that are marked as complete will no longer display the option to be edited.
Resolved Issues:
- Metric Library Export - Computation Type: Metrics will display the correct competition type, either Sum or Average, when exported.
- Viewing Submitted Check-Ins: Employees who access check-ins they've already submitted will be presented with "view mode" instead of "answer mode" which made it appear as though they could still edit responses.
- Competitions - Users > Within: If a competition is created using the “User > Within > group(s)” hierarchy selection, “Within” will display as the competitor selection on the game details.
August 22, 2023
Version. 3.198.0
New Features:
- Organization Setting - Check-In Rating Visibility: The "Check-In Visibility" setting will allow admins to determine if check-in ratings should be shown to or hidden from employees. If hidden, employees will not have access to viewing or insight into any of the check-in ratings they receive. Learn more here.
- Public API - Group Check-In Endpoints: Ambition's Public API will feature dedicated endpoints for group check-ins and group check-in templates. Learn more here.
Resolved Issues:
- Analytics Graph - Dowloaded Image: The downloaded image of a graph report will feature the same title that's displayed on the report within analytics.
- Coaching Management - Sub Tab Spacing: The spacing between the sub tabs (overview and templates) and the action buttons is increased.
- Coaching Notes: Filtering by Manager: Filtering by manager will no longer result in a "No Content" message. You will be able to correctly filter by manager in both the Coaching > Notes and Coaching > Manage > Notes areas.
- Coaching Programs - Name Length: There will no longer be an enforced limit to the amount of characters a coaching program name can contain.
- Scheduled for Later Check-In - Adjusting Agenda Open Date: During the initial creation of a scheduled for later check-in, you will be able to adjust the Agenda Open Date to any future date even if you'd already made a selection.
August 8, 2023
Version. 3.197.0
New Features:
- Co-Coaches for Action Plans: Co-coaches can now be added to action plans! Co-coaches, who can be any Ambition user regardless of permissions, can be added and updated throughout the lifecycle of an action plan. Learn more about how co-coaches interact with action plans here.
- Prompt for Managers to Refresh Their Outlook Calendar Connection: If Ambition’s connection to a manager’s Outlook calendar will expire in 14 days or less or if the connection has already expired, the user will be prompted to refresh Ambition's access to Outlook when they access a check-in, recurring check-in, or check-in form (create/edit) within Ambition. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- "Incomplete" Employee Status for Closed Cadences : Employees will be updated with a status of “incomplete” in the case where a cadence is closed before they could complete all the cadence steps so it’s clear to the cadence owner who did not receive all of the cadence content. Learn more here.
- User Access to Goal Management: If a user has permission to "create goals for self", they will also have access to the Goals > Manage tab. While only able to view and edit goals they've created for themself, access to the "manage" tab will assist users with managing repeating goals they've created.
- Manage > Coaching - Co-Coach Column: The column containing co-coaches will be next to the manager column on the coaching > manage > check-ins page instead of to the right of the completed date.
- Workflows - Send Email Action: Emails that are manually input into the "Send an email to the following" option will be automatically added as an email instead of requiring the user to press enter.
Resolved Issues:
- Group Editor - Error Message When Trying to Remove a Group Member: Group memberships will have a new validation to properly order start and end times to detect type group membership overlaps.
- Action Item Text Size: Text size of action items will be the same whether viewing open action items on the side or on the top of a coaching timeline.
- Check-In Line Height: Check-in names that contained "g's" will no longer have the "g's" cut off at the bottom.
- Manager Accountability Toolbar: The table header will no longer be impacted by page resizing, and the filters will display below the table header.
- Workflows Sub-Header for Users > Within > Single Group: The "or" before a single group's name in the scheduled leaderboard's sub-header will be removed.
- Overlapping Columns in Custom Target Uploads: When verifying target accuracy, the employee username column will no longer overlap the scorecard column in cases of a long username.
July 25, 2023
Version. 3.196.0
New Features:
- Duplicating Coaching Templates: All coaching template types - action plan, check-in, group check-in, and programs - support duplication! A template can be duplicated into "draft" status where it can be edited and refined before opening up to managers for use. Accompanying duplication, templates can now be saved in "draft" status upon original creation as well. Learn more about duplicating templates: action plan templates, check-in templates, group check-in templates, and programs templates.
- Search for Check-In Contents: The existing check-in search bar that previously searched for private note content only has been expanded to search for check-in names, contents of action items, comments, answers, notes, and the agenda items themselves. Learn more here.
- Integration Health Status Alert: A new workflow type is available to notify an admin or integrator by email whenever their is a change in an integration's status, ex. status changes to failed, failed status changes back to operational. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Re-Enroll an Employee in a Cadence: Employees who were previously removed from or successfully completed a cadence can be re-enrolled in that same cadences. The "Employee" tab within a cadence features a new column of "Times in Cadence" where you can view how many times a user has been enrolled as well as their cadence history.
- Cadence - Employee Search Bar: The employee search bar has been moved above the employee list when both adding users to a cadence and assigning managers within a cadence.
- Updated Grid Styling: Updated the grid styling within multiple areas of Ambition - integrations, coaching, analytics, TV branding, accolades, asks, user directory, permissions - to the newest grid style which removes: the previous alternating color row formatting, cell separations, and column header text in all caps.
- JSON Transformer Documentation: The documentation link within the JSON Transformer will directly link to this article rather than link to the help site home page.
Resolved Issues:
- Check-In Now Meeting Date: If a “1:1 Now” type check-in is selected, any meeting dates will be cleared and not displayed on the check-in card after creation.
- "On" Alignment When Selecting Weekly Group Check-In Recurrence: The "On" label used to indicate which days of the week the group check-in should occur will be aligned with the days of the week checkboxes.
- Employee is Both Co-Coach and Participant in Program: Existing program co-coaches who are then enrolled in the same program they already co-coach will be allowed to co-coach other participants, but will be removed as a co-coach from their own check-ins.
- Replay Recent Alerts: The "Replay Recent Alerts" option within TV settings will successfully replay TV workflows from the selected time frame.
- Scorecard Rounding - 99% vs 100% When Target Has Been Met: When a metric's target has been reached, 100% will display instead of 99% in cases where rounding was happening on the seventh decimal place.
- Action Plan Comment Emails: Comment emails will be sent when comments are left on action plan agenda items.
July 11, 2023
Version. 3.195.0
New Features:
- Two Additional Upload Formats for Custom Targets: Custom scorecard targets can now be uploaded through two new format options. The new formats support uploading multiple targets for a user in a single row instead of requiring a CSV row for each individual target. Learn more and see examples of the new formats here.
- Permission for Managers to Edit Custom Targets for Users They Manage: The permission "Ambition Scores: Custom Targets" allows managers to only edit custom targets for users they manage without granting access to editing the scorecard configuration. The permission can be assigned to the system "Manager" permission set or be assigned to specific individuals. Learn more here.
- Ability to Parse Nested JSON: A "JSON Transformer" section is added to the data format pages of API, FTP, and File Upload integrations that allows nested JSON data to be surfaced for use in Ambition rather than having to modify the file before transmission. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Cadence Step Names Included in Check-Ins: If a check-in is generated from a cadence, the check-in display name will included the respective cadence step's name.
- Unify Target Language - Custom Targets: "Custom Target" will be the singular phrase to represent individually set scorecard targets instead of varying users of both "custom target" and "target override"
- Repeating Goals Tooltip "+ x" Users: If more than 10 users are involved in a repeating goal, the names of additional participants will no longer appear when hovering over the "+ x" users icon.
Resolved Issues:
- Analytics - "Reset" Button Height: The "reset" button will match the height of the mode dropdown.
- Select Existing Goal in Action Plan : If an action plan's agenda is attempting to be created before an employee is selected, you will be notified that you need to select an employee before you can add a goal agenda item.
- Remove Step When Editing Cadence: Removing a cadence step while in the edit form will successfully delete the step.
- Poll Agenda Items Being Updated After Saving Progress: No answer will be selected for poll agenda items when saving progress on other items in the check-in.
June 27, 2023
Version. 3.194.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Coaching Agenda Interface: Improved placeholder text for agenda answers and comments. The background of coaching agendas will have a white background instead of varying gray and white backgrounds for answers and comment sections. The comment area is now labeled "Comments" and spacing is added between the answer and comment areas to help differentiate between the two sections. User avatars added to both agenda item and comment inputs.
- Rich Text Options for User Responses in Coaching Agendas: Users will be able to incorporate rich text into their responses for question and metric snapshot agenda items as well as add rich text to their responses of poll questions and Gong call feedback.
- Rich Text Options Added to Comments: All areas of Ambition where you can add comments - goals, competitions, coaching, and accolades - now support rich text options.
- Existing Rich Text Toolbar Location: Existing rich text toolbar options were moved to the bottom of their respective input instead of being located at the top of the input area. Impacted areas: workflow messages, coaching notes, content block agenda items.
- Improved Page Responsiveness - Fantasy Competitions: Viewing the final results, scores, standings, and schedule of a fantasy competition has been optimized for smaller screens.
- Feedback Agenda Item - Rich Text: When adding a feedback agenda item into a coaching agenda, the creator can incorporate rich text into their feedback.
- Webex Scheduled Leaderboard - Max of 10 Results: Only 10 results will display on a Webex scheduled leaderboard even if more than 10 results is selected in the workflow form.
Resolved Issues:
- Uploading Inactive Manager: In cases where a user is uploaded with an inactive manager in the "Manager Email" column, the manager's name will be displayed in user settings with an inactive label. The user will not be associated with the inactive manager and the inactive manager account will not be reactived upon upload.
- Group Check-In Meeting Time: A descriptive error message of, "A group check-in with this same meeting time already exists", will notify users if they are trying to update the meeting time of a group check-in meeting to the same time of another existing meeting with the same source.
- Repeating Goal Hierarchy Level Filter: The "Owner Hierarchy Level' filter "pill" will display the selected hierarchy level instead of always displaying "Manager".
- Group Check-In Thumbnail and Avatar Sizes: The thumbnail used to display " + 'number of users not pictured'" will no longer be slightly larger than the user avatars.
- Goal Target Input - Able to Clear "0" Targets: The placeholder zero target can be removed from both the base target and custom targets instead of being visually appended to the target.
- "Coaching" Tab on Managerial Dashboard: Users who have both admin and "Coaching: All Access" permission will be able to view the "Coaching" tab on managerial dashboards.
- Coaching Analytics Tab Access: Users with "Coaching Analytics" permission but not "Coaching: All Access" permission will be redirected to the first tab within Coaching Analytics that they do have permission to view instead of encountering a 500 error in the event they had a direct URL for a restricted page shared with them.
- Custom Check-In Tab Order: Custom check-in tabs will be ordered based on their order index instead of being sorted based on recent updates.
- Hide Native Scrollbar: Native scrollbars within Windows 10 or Google Chrome will no longer display when zooming out.
- Salesforce Spot Check - Non-Salesforce User: An improved error message of, "Selected user doesn't exist in Salesforce" will be used in the event a non-Salesforce user was selected in the spot check form.
- Space Between Slack Workflow Name and Date: Slack scheduled leaderboards will no longer have an extra space between the workflow's name and date.
- Public API Filters: Public API filters will filter on account instead of entity.
- Lengthy Group Check-In Descriptions: Lengthy group check-in descriptions will be visible through a "see more" and "see less" option instead of being displayed through a hover state.
- Group Check-In Source Filter: The filter label has been updated to "Group Check-In Source" instead of being labeled "Group Check-In Parent".
- Restrict Access to Disables Features: If a user navigated to a now deactivated feature though a direct link, a 404 error will display.
June 13, 2023
Version. 3.193.0
Resolved Issues:
- Coaching Notification Badges: The count of notifications on the "Coaching" tab will correctly consider both check-ins and action plans. Additionally, the "Action Plan" tab will feature "Open Action Plan" hover state.
- Improved Error Messaging for Content Block Agenda Items: If the required "Content Block Title" field is left blank, the error message will explicitly state "Content Block Title is required".
- Check-Ins Without Check-Ins Ratings Enabled: The check-in agenda will be horizontally aligned with the action items section when check-in ratings are not enabled.
- White Spacing Around Breadcrumbs: Unnecessary white space next to group and recurring check-in breadcrumbs is removed.
- Scorecard Aggregation - Metric Divided By Constant Number: The group value and target will both be calculated as the sum of the individual contributors' values and targets in cases where a formula builder metric that's setup as a metric/constant number are used on scorecards.
- Different Time Zones - Update User's Group Memberships in User Settings: Group memberships can be updated within a user's settings even in cases where the user making the changes is in a time zone that is a day ahead of the user being updated.
- Coaching Analytics - Scroll Bar on "Insights" tab: The scroll bar and styling are restored to the "Insights" tab within Coaching Analytics.
June 2, 2023
Version. 3.192.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Manage Features: The features tab will feature a tabbed styling that highlights information about available features, feature limits, product packages, platform packages, and support packages.
- Competition Styling: Redesign of the competition game page. Styling updates include a new header and redesigned grids for scoring, out of office, and prize information. The game details section has been updated to include more information about who is competing, any available prizes, and the competition's scoring.
- Improved Page Responsiveness - Challenges and Individual Fantasy Matchups: Viewing a challenge and individual fantasy matchups has been optimized for smaller screens. Notable changes are a redesigned header and dropping the avatars of competitors when viewing Ambition on a smaller screen to minimize horizontal scrolling.
- Cadences - Removed By: The "Add Employees" modal will feature the name of the user who removed the cadence participant to reflect the same information presented in the list of cadence participants.
Resolved Issues:
- Manage Coaching - Retain Filters on Refresh: Selected filters within the coaching manage page are retained upon page refresh.
May 30, 2023
Version. 3.191.0
New Features:
- Coaching Restricted Access: Access to coaching can be enabled on a per manager basis instead of being available to all managers and employees in your Ambition instance. Restricted access allows you to select which admins and managers should have access to coaching in Ambition. Employees will have access to coaching if their manager is selected. Learn more here.
- Goals - Schedule to Repeat: The create goal form will now offer a scheduling option! Need the same goal to repeat every week, every month, or every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? Create the goal once and update future targets as needed. Goal creators can opt into a new email, repeating goal reminder, to ensure goals are always created with accurate targets. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Organization Settings: The organization settings page will feature a tabbed styling instead of featuring all the origination setting options on a single page to make it easier to find the setting you're looking for.
- Feedback Agenda Item in Cadences: The feedback agenda item will no longer be available to add within cadence steps. Feedback items will not be removed from existing steps, and feedback items will still be supported in cadences through check-in templates.
Resolved Issues:
- Scheduled Recurring Check-Ins on Dashboard: Scheduled check-ins are excluded from the "Open Items" section of a coaching timeline.
- "Start 1:1 Now" Check-In With Future Due Date: "Start 1:1 Now" check-ins will have their start time set to "now".
- Content Block Agenda Item - Bold and Italicized: Content block agenda items within Chrome browsers will now support the text being both bolded and italicized.
- Multiple Check-In Reminder Emails: The "remind" button will only send a reminder email once per day, per person reminding, per person being reminded.
- Duplicating TVs - Leaderboard Slides: When duplicating a TV, leaderboard slides will be duplicated with all of the selected metrics from the original TV's slide.
May 16, 2023
Version. 3.190.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Group Editor - Group Join and End Dates Functionality Restored: The options to set and adjust the date a user both joined and left a group has been restored to the group editor! Group join dates will again be able to be set and adjusted for group members within the group editor. A group end date can also be set when removing a member within the group editor as well. Learn more here.
- Workflow's Page Styling: The manage, events, jobs, and queue tabs for workflows has been updated with new grid styling.
Resolved Issues:
- Update Integration IDs Though Salesforce Attribute Sync: Integration IDs are now supported thorough the user attribute sync.
- Individual and Managerial Metrics Within Check-In: The metric value and rank will correctly update as you toggle between viewing a manager's individual metrics and their managerial metrics.
May 2, 2023
Version. 3.189.0
New Features:
- Webex Integration for Workflows: Ambition workflows can now be sent to Webex spaces and to Webex users through direct messages! Automate leaderboards, recognizing metric attainment and notable moments within your Webex instance to help your hybrid teams drive behavior that leads to outcomes by encouraging them through gamification and recognition. Learn more about Ambition's Webex integration here and more about creating workflows here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Displayed Information in Program Selectors: In addition to the program's name, program selectors will include the manager's name who owns the program and the number of employees enrolled. If a single employee is enrolled, the employee's name will be featured instead of the number of enrolled employees.
- Archived Lessonly Lessons: If a Lessonly lesson is archived, it will no longer show in the "Select Lessons" modal. If a Lessonly lesson has been added to a coaching agenda and then is archived, any comments made on the agenda item will remain and the user will be notified that Ambition can no longer display the lesson.
- Removing "Triggers" Feature Flag: The triggers feature will no longer appear in the customer facing features list. While triggers is no longer accessible, recognizing users based on if/then logic is achievable through workflows! Learn more about workflows here!
Resolved Issues:
- Score Graph Falling Below Zero: If an activity or objective score becomes negative, the negative value will be visually floored to zero. While visually floored to zero, the negative score value can be seen by hovering over the score data point.
- Workflow Picklist Values with Commas: Filter logic for record based workflows have been updated to use the ":::" delimiter for picklist values instead of a comma.
- Deleted Coaching Events Visibility: Deleted coaching events will no longer display after the successful deletion message and will no longer require a page reload before they are removed.
- Manager Selecting Themself During Check-In Creation: Users with "Can Create Check-In for Anyone" permission will be excluded from the list of employees they can select during check-in creation.
- Deactivated Users Displaying in Group Check-Ins: If a participant of a group check-in is deactivated from Ambition, they will no longer appear as a group check-in participant.
April 18, 2023
Version. 3.188.0
New Features:
- Coaching Cadences: Cadences are a series of steps (check-ins) that make up a training, onboarding, or coaching program. Cadences are created to ensure that employees and managers across the enterprise are adhering to coaching best practices and completing required content. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Salesforce Multi-Connect: Ambition's Salesforce integration can now support connecting a single instance of Salesforce to multiple instances of Ambition. Learn more here.
- Check-In URLs Added to Calendar Events: If a manager's Outlook or Google calendar is connected to Ambition, one-off check-in calendar events will contain a link to the specific Ambition check-in. Calendar events for recurring check-ins already feature a link back to Ambition, and now a one-off 1:1 will as well! Learn more about connecting your calendar here.
- Improved Page Responsiveness - Scorecard List View: The list view on a scorecard has been optimized for smaller screens. Notable change to the scorecard list view is that a user or group's avatar will be dropped along with individual progress bars (percent, target, and points information will still be visible!) when viewing Ambition on a smaller screen to minimize scrolling.
- Limiting Who Can Delete a Check-In: Managers will no longer be able to delete check-ins they did not create. Learn more about who can delete check-ins here.
Resolved Issues:
- Weekly Digest Email: The weekly digest will send even if the core "coaching" feature is disabled or if there were zero check-ins during the digest time frame.
- "Coaching: All Access" Users as Co-Coaches: Users with "Coaching: All Access" permission will be able to add themselves as a co-coach to check-ins that they have permission to edit.
April 4, 2023
Version. 3.187.0
New Features:
- Public API Cadences and Recurring Check-In Endpoints: Ambition's Public API will feature dedicated endpoints for both cadences and recurring check-ins. Additionally, source information has been added to the check-ins endpoint allowing you to identify if a check-in was created as part of a program, recurring check-in, managed program, cadence, or if it was created using a specific program or check-in template. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Improved Page Responsiveness - Metrics Tab and Scorecard Grid View: The filter options on the metrics tab (the comparison feature, rank by option, time selectors, and card/time series/spreadsheet selectors) and the grid view on a scorecard have been optimized for smaller screens. Notable change to the scorecard grid view is that a user's avatar will be dropped so that their percent-to-target data will be visible when viewing Ambition on a smaller screen.
- Calendar Sync Integration Visibility: The calendar sync integration, which allows Ambition to keep check-ins in sync with a manager's Outlook or Google Calendar, will be listed by default as an available integration for customers who have the core "Coaching" feature enabled. The calendar sync integration will remain as an optional feature flag and can be turned off as needed. Learn more here.
- Competitions > Manage Page Styling: The manage page for competitions has been updated with new grid styling.
- Recurring Competitions - Created By Field: Going forward, the "created by" field for recurring competitions will display the name of the original creator instead of being blank.
- Competition Empty State: If a competition is created but still processing, an empty state message of "This game is still processing, try refreshing the page" will display. If a competition is created and set to start in the future, an empty state message of, "Coming Soon. This game has not started yet.", will display.
- Action Plan Activity Email: An email will be sent to a manager to approve an action plan when an external url agenda item is present on the action plan, and the item is required.
- Weekly Digest Improvements: New data points of Check-Ins Started and Check-Ins Expired have been added to the digest. References to "beta" or "coming soon" features have been removed. Red and green coloring will no longer be used to represent a specific value threshold. Instead, blue will be used to represent active features, and gray will be used to represent any inactive feature.
- Consistent Line Hight and Spacing: Coaching comments, action items, and notes will be presented with the same text height and spacing.
- Rating Category Form Text: The rating category's subtext in create and edit forms for programs, program templates, check-in templates, and managed programs will be listed as, "Select rating categories to use in your check-ins".
Resolved Issues:
- Weekly Digest Email Queries: The weekly digest will now use the weekly coaching accountability statistics to calculate the check-in completion rate. The metric count will no longer include Activity Score, Objective Score, and Google Analytics metrics.
- Continuous Retry for Salesforce's 500 Synchronous Reports in 60 Minutes Limit: Ambition will attempt to retry continuously if a report sync is stopped due to the, "You can't run more than 500 reports synchronously every 60 minutes.", Salesforce error message.
- Cadence Hierarchy Selector: Users will be able to successfully search for and select groups within group types other than Role.
- Duplicated Salesforce Sidebar: In a case where the Salesforce integration has been authorized multiple times, the metric library tabs will not be duplicated.
- Template Selector in Cadence Steps: The template selector found when creating a cadence step will support searching by template name.
- Reference to Program Dropped From Check-In: Editing will no longer disassociate a check-in from a program.
- Check-In "Due After" 7 Days: The program form now considers the selected "due after" interval when determining if the time between check-in occurrences is greater than the number of days the check-in will be open.
- Poll Follow-Up Questions: Users will be able to save progress on a coaching agenda that contains multiple poll agenda items without having to complete all the poll follow-up questions first.
- Accolade Achievement Earned Date: The date earned will always display in the time zone of the user viewing the accolade achievement.
- Manager-to-Employee Accolade: Only users the manager manages will be presented as potential accolade recipients.
- "Mark All Excused" Button: The option to mark all check-ins as excused will be active where appropriate.
- Pluralization in the Coaching Hierarchy Selector: A pluralization helper has been added to recognize when a group type's name should be made plural by adding "ies" instead of "s".
- Standalone ":" on Group Check-In Cards: The group check-in cards will no longer feature a single ":" under the name of the group check-in.
- Coaching > Manage Visibility: Users who have permission to create a type of coaching template but do not have permission to create the actual coaching event (ex. permission to create check-in template, but not create check-ins) will be able to access the coaching manage page.
- Data Format Responsiveness: The field mappings on a data format page would overlap if the screen was being viewed at a smaller width. Scrolling will now be forced within the field mappings section.
March 21, 2023
Version. 3.186.0
New Features:
- Lessonly Lesson - Coaching Agenda Item: Lessonly lessons will be accessible within Ambition coaching agendas! A manager will be able to select from any public, published lessons and add them to Ambition coaching agendas for employees to complete. Selected lessons will be iframed into the respective coaching agenda so the employee can interact with and complete the lessons right inside of Ambition. Learn more here.
- Scores API: Ambition's Public API will now feature two score endpoints, Activity Score and Objective Score. Score data for individuals, managers, and groups will be accessible through each endpoint. Score contribution data (the exact metric totals that make up a score's value) is not available at this time. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Improved Page Responsiveness - Dashboard Banner and Scorecard Filter Options: The dashboard banner and scorecard filter options (include weekends toggle and time frame selectors) have been optimized for smaller screens. Notable change to the dashboard banner is that Activity and Objective Score data will be visible when viewing Ambition on a smaller screen.
- Lessonly Authorization within the Seismic Integration: To support the Lessonly Lesson agenda item, the Seismic integration's authentication tab will now feature a Lessonly Authorization step.
- Group Check-In Meeting Date Label: "Meeting Dates” has been relabeled as “Upcoming Dates” since only upcoming dates were displayed.
- Group Check-In Avatars: If a group check-in participant is also a co-coach, their avatar will only be shown once. They will be listed as both a participant and a co-coach in the group check-in details.
- "Mark as Complete" Button Removed: Users with "Coaching: All Access" permission will no longer see the "Mark as Complete" button within coaching events they did not also create. The button would not mark events as complete as the user did not have permission to do so.
- "View..." Button Removed From Coaching Timelines: The “View…” button on a coaching timeline (view check-in, view action plan) is removed since there are multiple ways of viewing the check-in or action plan from the timeline without an additional standalone button.
Resolved Issues:
- # of Notes with File Attached Analytics: “# of Notes with File Attached” analytics will only consider notes that do have a file attached.
- Remove All Rating Categories: All rating categories can successfully be removed from the check-in through the “clear” button.
- Coaching > Check-In Status Filters: Managers will see their check-ins filtered by "Pending Approval" status when navigating to the Coaching > Check-Ins tab.
- Improved Error Messaging for URLs that Exceed Supported Character Length: The error message for External URL and Embed URL agenda items will explicitly inform the user of the 200 character limit.
- Required Items Within Recurring Check-Ins: Recurring check-ins will require a required agenda item during creation as it was being enforced upon editing.
- Add Progress to Complete Manual Entry Goals: The “Add Progress” button will be removed after a manual entry goal’s end date has passed.
March 7, 2023
Version. 3.185.0
New Features:
- Hidden Mode for Competitions: "Hidden Mode" allows you to test drive a competition's setup and scoring configurations without notifying users that a competition has been created. Since Ambition offers so many different scoring and competitor options, you can create a Challenge or Fantasy competition with "Hidden Mode" enabled and you will be able to view the created competition without it being visible across Ambition and all of the competitors being notified. Once you've perfected the competition's setup, you can toggle the competition to "Live" and the competition will be visible across Ambition. Learn more here.
- Calendar Sync Support for Recurring Check-Ins: If a manager has connected their Outlook or Google calendar, recurring check-ins they create will automatically be rescheduled in Ambition when the calendar invite is updated. Learn more about connecting your calendar with Ambition here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Format of Competition Headers: Previously only displayed in the page title, the name of the competition will be front and center when viewing a competition and will be featured in the center of the header. The two featured competitors included in the header will have their scores be displayed under their names rather than in the center of the header.
Resolved Issues:
- Coaching Timelines - "Asks" Shown in "Open Items" and "Coaching History" selectors: If the "Asks" feature has been disabled, it will no longer appear as an option with the "open items" and "coaching history" selectors on coaching timelines.
- Action Plan Tab Within a Check-In: If a custom name for action plans is being used, the action plan tab within check-ins will reflect the custom action plan name.
- Features Displaying in Quick Actions: Features that are disabled will no longer appear as options in "quick actions".
- Coaching Notes - Ability for Managers to Search Notes They Created: Managers will be able to search for content in notes they had created without needing any additional coaching permissions. If the manager can create notes, they can search for content in notes they created.
- Salesforce Integration - Object ID Added as Meta Field: A Salesforce's Object "ID" field can no longer be added as a meta field. ex. Opportunity ID cannot be added as a meta field on the Opportunity Object. If ID fields have already been added as meta fields, they will not be automatically be removed, but ID will be no longer display as an available selection when adding meta fields. Learn more about meta fields here.
- Custom Check-In Tabs: Custom check-in tabs will be accessible within check-ins again. Learn more about custom tabs here.
February 22, 2023
Version. 3.184.0
New Features:
- Calendar Sync Integration - Google Calendar: The Calendar Sync integration will keep Ambition's scheduled coaching Check-ins in sync with a Manager's Google Calendar by allowing for bi-directional rescheduling. If a 1:1 needs to be rescheduled, the date and time can be updated either on the calendar event or within Ambition, and both the calendar event and Ambition will be updated accordingly. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Changes to Title and Content of Slack and Microsoft Teams Leaderboards: Slack and Microsoft Teams leaderboard titles will now include the type of leaderboard that's being displayed (value, percent-to-target, or most improved), the title will no longer feature the flame emoji, and the name of the workflow will be displayed for leaderboards that were generated from a scheduled leaderboard workflow.
- Update to Email Copy in Ambition Invitation Email: The Ambition invitation email will now let users know that their organization has invited them to join Ambition, a Sales Coaching Platform.
- Freeze Table Header on Change Targets Page: The table header displaying scorecard time frames and min and max target information will remain visible while scrolling through the list of users on the Change Targets page.
- Coaching Tab - Reordering Secondary Navigation Items: Items in the left navigation under the Coaching tab will be reordered as: Check-Ins, Group Check-Ins, Notes, Action Plans, Coaching Analytics, and Manage.
- Unify Display of Check-In Source Information: Check-In cards, headers, and the "Source" column on the Manage grid will consistently represent the source of the check-in, ex. was the check-in created from a program, a recurring check-in, or one-off check-in?, through the pattern, "Parent: Parent Name".
- Scheduled Leaderboard Workflow Emails Will Redirect to Specific Leaderboard: The "View Leaderboard" button within a Scheduled Leaderbord Workflow Email will redirect to the specific type of leaderboard rather than redirecting to an Activity Score leaderboard.
Resolved Issues:
- Coaching Analytics Tab Access for Employees: Employees without additional manager or admin permissions will be able to directly access the "Coaching Analytics" navigation item if assigned the "Coaching Analytics" permission.
- Agenda Items Will Be Uneditable Within an Uneditable Check-In Template: Agenda Items will not be editable during check-in creation if the check-in template being used is not marked as editable.
- Remove Spacing Between Check-In's Status and Average Rating: The extra spacing between the status and average rating calculation on a Check-In's header will be removed.
- "Meeting Date" Label on Non Recurring Check-Ins: Check-Ins that are not recurring will correctly feature the label "Meeting Date" instead of "First Meeting Date".
- Width of Coaching Program Error Message: If any error messages occur within the Coaching Program form, the error message will be the full width of the page instead of being shortened to match the widths of the form inputs.
- Employees Adding Progress to Manual Entry Goals Created for Them: Unless an employee is the creator of a manual entry goal, they will be unable to add progress to the goal even if they have "Goals: Can Edit Goal for Subordinate Users/Groups" permission. Employees will only be able to add progress to personal, manual entry goals they create.
- Formula Builder Redirect in Metric Library: The Metric Library will only redirect to active Formula Builder integrations linked within the "Associated Integration" column.
- Recurring Check-In Scheduling: Recurring check-ins will support a recurrence schedule of "every fourth", ex. Every fourth Monday of the month".
- Export Managed Program .CSV: Managed Program .CSVs will be able to be exported even if a child program has been closed due to a deactivated manager.
February 9, 2023
Version. 3.183.3
Change to Existing Features:
- Group Editor - Group Join and End Dates: The option for customers to set and adjust the date a user both joined and left a Group has temporarily been removed. When adding Members to a Group, the "Group Join Date" selector has been removed. When editing Members of a Group, the "Set Group Join Date" selector has been removed. When removing Members of a Group, the "Set Group End Date" selector has been removed.
We know customers love the ability to adjust these dates on their own, so thank you for being patient with us as we work to make that experience seamless.
If you need Group Join Dates adjusted, reach out to for assistance!
January 31, 2023
Version. 3.183.0
New Features:
- Coaching Permission - "Coaching Analytics": Access to coaching data and exports was largely gated behind our "Coaching: All Access" permission which can provide more access than is appropriate for all team members to be assigned. The new "Coaching Analytics" permission provides Managers, Admins, Enablement, etc access to the Accountability, Insights, Attributions, and Reports (Employee and Manager Utilization Reports) tabs within the Coaching Analytics navigation item. Learn more here.
- Additional Filters When Setting Custom Scorecard Targets: When setting custom Scorecard Targets, you can optionally filter by Group, Manager, or Employee Name. Find the exact users whose targets you need to adjust in less time! Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Coaching > "Overview" navigation item and page is relabeled as "Coaching Analytics": To support the new Coaching Permission, "Coaching Analytics", the Overview tab will reflect the new permission's name. Both the "Overview" navigation item and page header will feature the label "Coaching Analytics".
- Retry Logic Added to Salesforce Reports When a 415 Error Occurs: When a 415 error disrupts the running of a Salesforce Report, the report will attempt to be run again instead of automatically being put in a failed state that required a user to login and click the "Retry" button on the Status page of the Salesforce Integration.
- Default Seismic Metric Names: Ambition supports tracking LiveDocs and LiveSends from Seismic, and while we still allow for customization of the default names, the new metric name defaults are "Seismic LiveDocs Generated" and "Seismic LiveSend Links Sent". Learn more here.
- Unify "Add Comment" Button Size: The "Add Comment" button will be the same size as other action buttons within a Check-In. "Add Comment" buttons within Goals, Accolades, and Competitions are resized as well.
- Shorten Inputs on Program and Program Template Forms: The inputs on Program and Program Template forms will be shortened to reflect the widths found in the Group Check-In
- Align Target Override Indicator: On a User Dashboard, the Target Override indicator will be aligned with the other Scorecard details: percent-to-target, points, etc.
- Align Analytics' Reset Button: The "Reset" button within Analytics is aligned to the Mode selector.
- Universal Capitalization of the "In" in "Check-In": The word "Check-In" will universally appear as "Check-In" across Ambition instead of their being variations with a lower case "i", Check-in.
- Display Ratings Within Check-In Headers: When viewing a Check-In and Ratings had been left, the average rating is featured next to the Check-In status.
- Consistent Gradient Colors On the Scorecard Graph: The graph featured about an Activity or Objective Scorecard will feature consistent color gradients based on the range of scores than then the gradients being based on the range of scores.
- "Click Next..." Text Removed from Start 1:1 Now Check-In: The "Click Next to Set Agenda and Have Your Employee Answer Inline" is removed from the Start 1:1 Now Check-In.
- Indicate Which Elements of an Agenda Item are Required for Start 1:1 Now Check-Ins: Agenda Items will feature a red asterisks to indicate which elements of an agenda item are required.
Resolved Issues:
- "Mark All Excused" Button Will Apply to Status Other Than "Open": The “Mark All Excused” button is enabled for Answers Due, Pending Approval, and Scheduled status filters instead of being limited to just the "Open" status.
- Rating Categories For Managed Programs: If Rating Categories are selected during creation of a Managed Program, the selected Rating Categories will be present within Check-Ins generated from the Managed Program.
- Salesforce Integration Status Page Accessible If API Is Authorized: The Status page within the Salesforce Integration will be accessible in cases with the API is authorized even if the Managed Package is not installed.
- Saved Reports With End Date of "Today": Saved Analytics Reports with an End Date of "Today" will reflect the "Today" as the current date when referenced after creation.
January 10, 2023
Version. 3.182.0
New Features:
- GIF Library for Slack and Microsoft Teams Workflows: Workflow messages sent to Slack or Microsoft Teams will feature a GIF alongside the Workflow's content. In cases where a Workflow was recognizing a user or group without a personalized GIF selected, one of 6 Ambition selected defaults would appear alongside the GIF. The GIF Library allows users with "Workflows: All Access" permission to add up to 10 GIFs into the GIF Library that will be used as the defaults instead! Learn more here.
- Retry Logic Added to Salesforce Reports When Network Issues Cause Failures: When network issues disrupt the running of a Salesforce Report, the report will attempt to be run again instead of automatically being put in a failed state that required a user to login and click the "Retry" button on the Status page of the Salesforce Integration.
Changes to Existing Features:
- New "Underlined" Tab Styling: All areas of Ambition that featured our "underlined" tab styling (tab underlined with a blue bar), will no longer capitalize the entire word and will appear less bold. Areas you will see this change include: the tabs on Dashboards, TV Editor, 'Coaching, Manage' grids, tabs within a Check-In, Data Explorer, 'Coaching, Overview', Group Editor, Leaderboards, and the Data Configuration tab within the Salesforce Integration.
- Coaching, Manage Grids: The grids within the Coaching, Manage page will now feature a gray background on the header row, the alternating color row formatting is removed, cell separations are removed, and a user's image and a link to their profile will be added when a user's name is present in the grid.
- "Show #" Selector Added to Change Targets Page: When manually adjusting targets on the Change Targets page, users were limited to viewing up to 25 users at a time. The "Show #" selector now allows for viewing 25, 50, 100, or 500 users per page. Learn more about adjusting targets here.
- Include Inactive Users in Finished Competition's Schedule Time Off List: If a now inactive user was involved in a competition that's since ended and had Out of Office records during the competition's time frame, their name and Out of Office dates will be included in the Scheduled Time Off section. New to Out of Office? Learn more here.
Resolved Issues:
- "Mark All Excused" Button Will Excuse Open Check-ins within Coaching, Manage: When viewing Check-Ins within the Coaching, Manage grids, only Open Check-ins will be excused through the "Mark All Excused" button. No completed coaching items will be excused.
- Support Ampersand Formatting in Question Agenda Items: Question Agenda Items will support using an "&" and will no longer display "&". A migration occurred to resolve any existing instances of "&".
- Inactive Users with Scheduled Time Off Will Not Prevent an Ended Competition From Being Accessed: Users who had Out of Office records during the competition's time frame who have since been deactivated will no longer prevent historical competitions from being accessed. New to Out of Office? Learn more here.
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