Create Coaching Cadences
How do I create a Coaching Cadence?
What types of agenda items can be added to a cadence step?
Cadence Overview
Cadences are a series of steps with specific agendas that make up a training, onboarding, or coaching program.
Cadences are built to ensure that employees and managers across the enterprise are adhering to best practices and completing required content.
Cadences allow you to streamline your coaching and programs by enrolling employees into flexible multi-step cadences.
Cadences enable coaches and sales enablement to coach, train, onboard, and run programs all at scale.
Create a Coaching Cadence
1. Open the left navigation and click Coaching > Cadences.
2. Click + Cadence.
3. Complete the Cadence Details.
Cadence Details Field | Cadence Details Field Description |
Cadence Name |
The name will be used for all occurrences of the cadence. The name will also be displayed on the cadence check-in cards which are shown on the user's coaching dashboard. |
Description |
Provide details for the purpose and objectives of the cadence. The description will be shown on the Cadence Overview page to help provide context when enrolling employees. |
How often are the steps? |
Select when and how often you would like cadence steps to open by inputting the "Every" cadence and selecting between Week and Month. |
When are the steps? (If Week is selected as the "How often are the steps" interval) |
If "Week" is selected, Select which day or days of the week a step should open. Note you are not selecting a specific start date here, but rather constructing the schedule for when and how often participants will receive access to a cadence step. Each step will open at 8am in the employee's time zone. Example: Steps will open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Example: Steps will open every two weeks on Wednesday. |
When are the steps due? |
Before the next scheduled step - Each cadence step will be due before the next step is set to open. In the case of a 1 step cadence, the step will be due based on the interval selected in the "When are the steps?" section. Ex. If you selected every 1 week on Monday, the single step cadence would be due the following Monday after the first step opens to the user.
After x Days - Each cadence step will be due after "x" amount of days. |
Employees progress to the next step |
Automatically, even if the step is incomplete or When the manager marks the step complete |
4. Track the related metrics.
Select of to 10 metrics to track for each employee who goes through the cadence. This will be used in the Cadence Effectiveness line graph and employee performance table.
5. Create the cadence's steps.
There is no limit to the number of steps that can be added to a cadence.
Click Add Agenda to begin building out the first step.
Optionally click the plus icon, , to add multiple steps to a cadence to map out the steps before adding specifics to an individual step.
Steps can be moved up and down as well as reordered by dragging and dropping to assist with cadence planning.
Add Agenda
Add Agenda Field | Add Agenda Field Description |
Step Name |
Name the cadence step. Each step's name will be visible to employees on the check-ins generated by the cadence. Ex. Step 1's name will be featured on the first check-in generated by the cadence. |
Add New Item
Click Add New Item to begin compiling the step's agenda.
A step can consist of any combination of available item types.
At least 1 agenda item must be required (not optional) in order to save each step.
Item Type | Item Description | Employee View of Item |
Question |
A question for the employee to answer with fill in answer format. Check out our list of recommended questions |
Metric Snapshot |
Available if the "Coaching: Metric Snapshot Item" feature has been enabled. A question for the employee to answer that is built upon a preselected metric & time frame. |
Content Block |
Rich text editor that can provide additional information or context to a Step. No action for the user to take. |
Poll |
A question that is answered by the employee on a 1-5 point scale. Example: On a scale from 1-5 (1=low & 5= high) what's your level of confidence in your product knowledge? |
External URL |
A link to a third-party item for the employee to review, complete, etc. Example: A LMS module. The employee and manager will both be responsible for marking this item as complete. |
Embed Media |
Iframe a YouTube or Vimeo video or 3rd party website directly into the coaching agenda. No action for the user to take. Be aware that not all platforms allow 3rd party embedding. For embedding a video from YouTube or Vimeo, you can input the share URL or iframe embed code. If you are embedding a Google Sheets URL, we recommend embedding a URL generated through the "Publish to web" share option rather than "Share with others". Learn more here. |
Checkboxes |
A list of options for the employee to select, choosing all that apply. An "Other" option is available as well. Example: Which products would you like additional training on? Choose all that apply. |
Multiple Choice |
A list of options for the employees to select, choosing only one. An "Other" option is available as well. Great fit for True/False or Yes/No type questions. Example: Have you completed your monthly review? Yes or No. |
Gong Calls |
Available if the Gong integration is enabled and authorized. Employees attach one or more of their Gong calls when the step opens. |
In this example the employee attached calls and the manager left comments. |
Zoom Calls |
Available if the Zoom integration is enabled and authorized. Employees attach one of more of their Zoom calls when the step opens. |
Seismic Learning |
Available if the Seismic Learning API within the Seismic integration is authorized. Select from any public, published Seismic Learning lessons and add them to coaching agendas. When selecting a lesson, there is no filtering for lessons assigned to a particular employee(s), but rather you will be presented with a list of all public, published lessons that can be added into the coaching agenda. |
As you add items, the items within a step's agenda can be reordered and deleted.
Reorder Items
Reorder items by clicking the grid icon, , on the left side of a step and dragging and dropping the step in the desired location.
Delete Items
Click the trashcan icon, , to delete an item.
Example of reordering and deleting items.
6. Click Next.
7. Optionally add coaching instructions.
Provide specific instructions, resources, and other details to guide managers on how to coach an employee through this cadence step.
Coaching instructions will not be visible to the employee being coached. To support reviewing a check-in that contain instructions while screen sharing with an employee, the manager can collapse the coaching instructions section.
8. Click Save Step and continue adding steps as needed.
Reorder Steps
As you add steps to the cadence, steps can be reordered by clicking the ellipses icon, , and then clicking "Move Up" or "Move Down". The first step can only be moved down, and the last step can only be moved up.
Steps can also be reordered by clicking the grid icon, , on the left side of a step and dragging and dropping the step in the desired location.
Example of using both the "Move" buttons and dragging and dropping.
Delete Steps
Steps that are created but no longer needed can be deleted from the cadence during the creation process by clicking the ellipses icon, , and Delete.
8. Next you can optionally pre-define the Rating Categories that you would like the manager's to score their employees against.
9. When your steps are complete, click Save > Save and Open
If you have started creating your cadence but don't have time to complete creating in one sitting, you can click Save and then Save as Draft to save your cadence creation progress. Your cadence will not be able to be opened or assigned to employees until all steps are complete.
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