Seismic Learning
What Seismic Learning content can I use in Ambition?
How do I authorize Seismic Learning?
Which coaching features support the "Seismic Learning" agenda item?
Where in Seismic Learning can I see if a lesson is public or private?
Seismic Learning Overview
Authorizing Seismic Learning within Ambition allows a manager to add Seismic Learning lessons to coaching agendas for employees to complete. A manager will be able to select from any public, published lessons and add them to coaching agendas. When selecting a lesson, there is no filtering for lessons assigned to a particular employee(s), but rather the manager will be presented with a list of all public, published lessons that can be added into the coaching agenda.
If a Seismic Learning lesson is added to a coaching agenda, the employee will be presented with the selected lesson(s) to complete. Lessons that employees interacts with in Ambition will count towards lesson reporting in Seismic Learning.
Authorize Seismic Learning
A Seismic Learning admin will be able to access the subdomain and API key needed to authorize Seismic Learning in Ambition.
Users with the "Integrations: Edit" permission will be able to access the Integrations tab.
Access Subdomain and API Key
To authorize Seismic Learning in Ambition, the Seismic Learning Subdomain and API Key are needed.
1. Access Seismic Learning.
2. A Seismic Learning admin can access the subdomain and API key by clicking the gear icon in the right corner > Settings.
3. Within Settings, click on the API & Webhook tab. Select Show API credentials and locate the Subdomain and API Key.
The subdomain and API Key will be input into Ambition in Step 8.
Authorize Seismic Learning in Ambition
4. In a separate tab, navigate to Ambition.
5. Open the left navigation and click Administration > Data > Integrations.
6. Seismic Learning will be authorized within Ambition's Seismic Integration.
If the Seismic integration has already been enabled in Ambition, click Edit in line with the Seismic integration.
If the Seismic integration has not yet been enabled in Ambition, click Enable New Integration and the click "Enable Integration" in line with the Seismic integration.
↳ You are able to authorize just the Seismic Learning portion of the Seismic integration. Seismic does not also have to be connected to Ambition in order to use Seismic Learning lessons in Ambition coaching agendas. If you do not wish to additionally authorize Seismic, we would recommend deleting the LiveSend Links Sent and number of LiveDocs Generated metrics as they will automatically be generated after enabling the Seismic integration in Ambition.
7. Click on the Authentication tab within the Seismic integration.
8. Reference the Seismic Learning API & Webhooks tab where you've located the subdomain and API Key.
Copy and paste the subdomain from the Seismic Learning API & Webhooks tab into the Seismic Learning subdomain field in Ambition.
Copy and paste the API Key from the Seismic Learning API & Webhooks tab into the Seismic API Key field in Ambition.
9. Click Save.
Where can I add the Seismic Learning agenda item?
After Seismic Learning is authorized, the "Seismic Learning" agenda item will be available for managers to add to the agendas of:
- check-ins
- action plans
- cadences
- programs
- managed programs
The "Seismic Learning" agenda item can also be added to check-in, program, or action plan templates.
Where in Seismic Learning can I see if a lesson is public or private?
Only published, public lessons can be used in the "Seismic Learning" agenda item.
Verify if a Seismic Leaning Lesson is Public or Private
1. Locate and open the lesson from the content tab.
2. Click on the "Share" button.
The lesson is public if "Anyone with Link" is selected. Only published, public lessons can be used in Ambition.
If the lesson is currently set to "Assigned Only", updating it to "Anyone with Link" will allow the course to be used in Ambition.
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