Dynamic Coaching Templates
Ambition Coaching offers two types of coaching templates:
- Locked: Managers cannot change or remove the template's agenda items. They can add additional agenda items. Any edits made to the template will be applied to current programs, group check-ins, or repeating check-ins that were created with this template.
- Unlocked: Managers can delete any of the template's agenda items. They can add additional agenda items. Any edits made to the template will not be applied to active programs, group check-ins, or repeating check-ins that were created with this template.
Locked Templates
When templates are edited, those changes will cascade down to all active events that were built with the selected template. This allows teams to bulk apply changes to agendas at scale.
With this change, any active programs, repeating check-ins, or group check-ins in your account have been updated to reflect the original template. If any template agenda items were removed at the time of event creation, those will be added back in. Example detailed below.
Additionally, if a coach has added custom agenda items, in addition to the base template, those will remain in the repeating coaching events even when the core template is updated.
If you would like to edit the associated templates to update their active coaching events, please follow the steps below.
Applying Template Changes
Users with "Coaching: Create Template" or "Coaching: All Access" permission will be able to create and edit templates.
1. Open the left navigation and click Coaching > Manage.
2. From the manage coaching page, select the Templates tab.
3. Make your edits to the template or agenda items. Click Save.
4. Upon save you'll be notified how many active coaching events will receive the new agenda going forward.
5. Click Confirm
Unlocked Templates
Unlocked templates provide coaches/managers with a starting point. These are fully flexible. So when a manager creates an agenda from the template, they can then add any custom agenda items or edit/ delete agenda items that are shown from the base template. These edits are unique to their coaching event. When a coaching administrator makes an edit to the unlocked template, active programs, repeating check-ins, or group check-ins that were created with this template will not receive those new updates. Going forward, any newly created coaching events associated with this template will inherit the latest agenda items.
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