Release Notes
The release notes, which are grouped by release date, include descriptions of new features, changes to existing features, and resolved issues.
Releases for new features & product improvements are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday nights. Additionally, releases may be conducted on an as-needed basis and can occur any day of the week. For more information on Ambition's maintenance and release schedule, click here.
Check out our 2023 Release Notes here!
December 17, 2024
Version. 3.292.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Group Editor - Prevent Editing of Fields that are Automated by Salesforce Attributes or User API: This change prevents accidental manual edits to automated group information within the group editor. We were not being consistent with disabling group memberships and group managers from being edited when they were populated by a Salesforce attribute or the User API. All group memberships and/or group managers automated from Salesforce attributes and the User API will no longer be manually editable within the group editor.
- Update Group Check-In Card Layout: Group check-in cards have been updated to reflect the styling used on check-in cards so users can consistently and easily find the information they need on the card.
- Update Action Plan Card Layout: Action plan cards have been updated to reflect the styling used on check-in cards so users can consistently and easily find the information they need on the card.
Resolved Issue:
- Check-In List View - Avatar Size: Resolves an issue where user avatars were not formatted correctly and were displaying as a square on the check-in card rather than filling the space.
December 12, 2024
Version. 3.291.0
New Feature:
- Pipeline Intelligence - Pipeline Views (Beta): Found in the left navigation, Pipeline, once the “Pipeline Intelligence: Pipeline Views” feature is enabled, customers can create reusable, organization-wide pipeline views that can be shared with the appropriate managers. Once shared, managers can further refine and save their own custom views.You pick the type of data you wish to view, the fields you wish to track, determine any filter criteria, ex. Stage Not Equal to “Closed Won”, and admins and managers alike can now easily track how data changes over time. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Public API Check-In Filtering: The 12/3 release unified all coaching template objects to Template objects. Customers have workflows build around Public API paths that yielded different results after that release because the template IDs they were referencing had changed. These changes restore the legacy check-in filtering in v2 of the API.
- Update Site Background Color: All pages with an existing gray background were updated and unified to a single gray color.
- Goals - Tabs Within Filter Toolbar: The padding for the filter toolbar on goal pages has been adjusted to reflect patterns in other places in the app.
December 10, 2024
Version. 3.290.0
Resolved Issues:
- Saved Filter Template ID Data Migration: Check-in saved filters created and last updated before 12/3/24 at 8pm EST will have their check-in template and program template IDs updated to reflect the new template IDs.
- Slack API Rate Limit: Resolves an issue where the full list of Slack channels couldn't be loaded. Separates the user and channel syncs so the channel sync can more easily resume in case of a rate limit.
- Combined Form Errors: Improves how we display error messages to end users. Forms that have multiple steps can now display more than one informative error message if multiple pieces of information are missing instead of showing one error at a time.
December 5, 2024
Version. 3.289.0
New Feature:
- User Management - Hierarchy Tab: For those with "Users: Can Edit All Users" permission, there is a new "Hierarchy" tab within user management. The hierarchy tab features a tree view of direct and skip-level manager relationships in Ambition. If the manager field is not automated, manager and direct report relationships can be created and updated through the hierarchy tab as well.
Resolved Issue:
- Coaching Cadence Not Starting: Resolves an issue where a coaching cadences were not starting as expected.
December 3, 2024
Version. 3.288.0
New Feature:
- New Coaching Templates Tab: Previously, templates were created explicitly for either check-ins, action plans, or programs. Templates have now been unified into a single form, single manage table, and single permission. Within the create template form, there is a question of, "Will this agenda be completed individually or as a group?", and selecting "individually" will allow the template to be used within a check-in, action plan, or program. Selecting "group" will allow the template to be used within group check-ins. There is a new "Create Template" permission, and any user who had one of the four create template permissions, ex. create program templates, has been migrated to the new "create template" permission.
Change to Existing Feature:
- Table Header Style Changes: All tables headers have been updated with increased padding and a white background.
Resolved Issue:
- Verify Salesforce Metric With "Contains" Logic: Resolves an issue where "contains" logic with a series of values in a metric filter was being treated as "equals" logic.
November 21, 2024
Version. 3.286.0
Resolved Issue:
- Workflow Messages: Resolves an issue preventing a user from updating content in the message block of a workflow.
November 19, 2024
Version. 3.285.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- User Settings - Groups Tab: Within user settings, the group memberships section of the details tab has been moved to it's own tab called "groups". The groups tab will hold all group membership and members since information for a user.
- User Settings - Edit Member Since Date: Within user settings, admins and managers who can edit users they manage will be able to adjust the dates a user becomes a member of or leaves a group. Previously, admins and managers could only adjust group membership dates within the group editor, one group at a time. The "start of the last month" restriction that is present in the group editor will apply within user settings, and the calendar will also be restricted based on a user's activation date, ex. if the user was added on Nov. 11th, no dates before the 11th can be selected.
Resolved Issues:
- User Settings - Limit the Groups a Manager Can Select: When making group membership changes within a user's settings, a manager will only be presented with group choices that they can add the user to or remove the user from. Limiting the group selections prevents managers from encountering a vague error where we would show the group ID in the error but no other information.
- User Settings - Use Group Editor Validations: Unifying the group validation processing between the group editor and changes made in a user's settings. Before this unification, changes made to groups within a user's settings was using different processing.
November 14, 2024
Version. 3.284.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Manager Homepage - Updated Text for Insights: The readability of the manager homepage insights is improved by removing the parentheses around the 90 day trend values and removes the word "the" before showing the metric name.
Resolved Issues:
- Coaching Analytics - Ratings and Accountability Tab: Resolves an issue where ratings for deleted check-ins were not being filtered out. The "well this is embarrassing" and blank pages will no longer occur within coaching analytics when check-ins with ratings are deleted.
- Coaching Agenda Items - Copy and Pasting Content: Resolves an issue that would remove pasted agenda content when the original source it was copied from was deleted within the coaching agenda.
- Workflow - Webex Action: Webex rooms and users will only be validated when the workflow action is being newly created.
November 12, 2024
Version. 3.283.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Quick Action Menu - Group Check-In: Group check-ins can now be created through the quick actions button.
- Removing Activity and Objective Metrics Modal: Users are now alerted when removing an activity or objective score metric. The metric name and scoring information will be displayed. If the objective metric is the north star metric on manager homepages, you will be alerted as well.
Resolved Issues:
- Coaching Attribution - Program List: Resolves an issue where programs were being displayed multiple times in the attribution drop-down.
- Group Names - "S" Added to Group Names with Special Characters: Resolves an issue where an "s" character would be incorrectly added to pluralize group names that ended in a special character.
November 7, 2024
Version. 3.282.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Coaching Forms - Simplified UI: Create and edit forms for check-ins, group check-ins, action plans, and programs have been updated to horizontal forms instead of vertical and have updated styling. The forms have been unified to all include a name, description, and objective field.
- Manager Homepage - Change "Goals" on High/Low Activity Cards: The language on a manager's high/low performing activity cards has been updated from "goals" to "target". This language is more in line with the wording used on the activity scorecard.
- Manager Homepage - Insight Filters: Manager can now filter homepage insights by employee or metric name making it easier to view the insights that matter the most to them.
- Visibility into Manager Relationships - Show Manager Relationships on Managerial Dashboard: On a managerial dashboard, the information shown after clicking "contributors" will now include the relation, group, and managed since information that's found on the "manager" tab within a manager's user settings. Previously, clicking "contributors" only showed the name of managed users.
Resolved Issue:
- Coaching Check-In Pre-Read Formatting Issue: Resolves a metric name formatting issue within pre-reads where metric names were not being bolded.
October 29, 2024
Version. 3.281.0
New Features:
- Group Managers - CSV Upload: Group managers can now be assigned, updated, and removed through the User CSV upload. A group manager mapping is available for every group type upon upload and columns containing group managers are included when exporting the existing user directory. Semicolons will be used to separate group names when assigning a manager to multiple groups within the same group type.
- Group Managers - Salesforce User Attribute Sync: Group managers can now be assigned, updated, and removed through the Salesforce user attribute sync. A group manager mapping is available for every group type. The multipicklist field type is advised when assigning a manager to multiple groups within the same group type.
- Group Managers - User API: Group managers can now be assigned, updated, and removed through the User API. A group manager mapping is available for every group type. Semicolons will be used to separate group names when assigning a manager to multiple groups within the same group type.
Change to Existing Feature:
- Program Description: The description field when creating programs is now optional.
Resolved Issue:
- Clear Manager if User Doesn't Have Ambition Account: Resolves an issue where a user's existing manager was not being removed if the new manager being uploaded was not an Ambition user. Restores the behavior of removing a user's manager if the manager username uploaded into Ambition does not belong to an existing user in Ambition.
October 22, 2024
Version. 3.280.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Manager Homepage - Improved Insights: Additional context such as the 90 day trend range, the value that prompted the insight, and the date the insight was generated is added to insights on the manager homepage. Color coding of green and red is added to the border of the user's avatar to signify if the insight is above or below the user's trend.
- Coaching Pre-Reads - Custom Date Range: By default, coaching pre-reads will analyze three months of date, but a custom range can now be selected.
October 15, 2024
Version. 3.279.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- User Settings - Header with Name and Image: As additional tabs have been introduced within user settings, you could lose context of whose profile you were viewing. A header including the user's profile picture and name is added to the top of the user settings pages to make sure you are always aware of which user is being viewed/edited as you navigate across tabs. The invite and deactivate buttons were also moved from the bottom of the page into the header for easier access. A breadcrumb back to the user management page is added for those who have permission to edit users.
Resolved Issue:
- Group Management Page - Assign Group Managers: Resolves an issue where admins who did not also have manager permission were unable to add managers to groups from the group management page. The number of group managers or the "+ manager" button will now be clickable for admin users without manager permission on the group management page.
October 7, 2024
Version. 3.278.1
Resolved Issue:
- Calendar Sync Check-Ins: Check-ins that were created due to calendar sync issues have been deleted.
October 3, 2024
Version. 3.278.0
New Feature:
- Manager Homepage - Customize Activity Metric Cards + Customizing Permission: Managers can now customize the activity score metric displayed on their homepage. Customizing requires the new "Homepage: Customize Activity Metric Cards" permission which is set to "No" by default.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Group Memberships - "Group Join Date" Globally Relabeled as "Member Since": The phrase "member since" has replaced all uses of "group join date". The phrase "member since" was used on user and group dashboards and group management grids/filters, but we were then asking managers/admins to set a "group join date". A user would be listed with a "member since" date in the group editor and on dashboards, but then have a "group join date" in their profile causing a disconnect and making it appear as those these are two different dates.
- Prevent Semicolons in Group and Group Type Names: Prep for supporting multiple values when uploading group managers. This change will prevent semicolons being used in group and group type names going forward. Semicolons will be used as the delimiter when multiple group names are being uploaded and therefore cannot occur in group or group type names.
Resolved Issue:
- Direct Report Modal: Resolves an issue where clicking on a direct report's name would take you to a different user's dashboard. The issue was occurring through the direct report modal on the user management page (clicking on the number of direct reports) in cases where managers were automated.
October 1, 2024
Version. 3.277.0
New Feature:
- Manager Homepage - North Star Metric Override: Users with the "Ambition Scores: Edit" permission can now customize the north star metric shown on the manager homepage per scorecard. Navigate to Administration > Scorecards > Role to "Set North Start Objective" on the Objective scorecard. If a manager manages users from multiple roles where defaults and custom north star metrics are being used, the highest weighted metric will display.
Resolved Issue:
- Manager Homepage - High/Low Activity Metric Card: Resolves an issue where manager homepage performance data was not seen on the homepage.
September 26, 2024
Version. 3.276.0
New Feature:
- Manager Homepage: The manager homepage is a new tab on managerial dashboards that gives managers an actionable view into the tasks, metrics, and insights they need to keep their teams performing at a high level. The homepage will be available to manager if scorecards are set up for users they manager and the manager has access to coaching feature. Learn more here.
Change to Existing Feature:
- User Settings - Prevent Editing of Fields that are Automated by Salesforce Attributes or User API: This change prevents accidental manual edits to automated group information within a user's settings. We were not being consistent with disabling group memberships from being edited when they were populated by a Salesforce text field or the User API. All groups automated from Salesforce attributes and the User API will no longer be manually editable within a user's settings.
September 18, 2024
Version. 3.275.0
New Feature:
- Zoom Integration - Supports Adding Zoom Meeting URLs to Check-Ins: With our Zoom integration, Zoom meeting links can be added when creating one-off and recurring check-ins in Ambition. Simply navigate to the "Scheduling" step of the coaching form and click the "Add Zoom Meeting" button. The link will be included in the calendar invitation or calendar file we send when the check-in has been saved. Reauthorizing the Ambition Zoom app is required for those already using Ambition's Zoom integration.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-In Tab Navigation Added to History: Users can now use the browser back button to load previously viewed check-in tabs. This change also introduces unique URLs for each check-in tab.
- Coaching > Managed Tab Navigation Added to History: Users can now use the browser back button to load previously viewed coaching tabs.
- Dashboard Tab Navigation Added to History: Users can now use the browser back button to load previously viewed dashboard tabs. This change also introduces unique URLs for each check-in tab.
September 12, 2024
Version. 3.274.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-Ins: Add/Manage Co-Coaches Bulk and Single Action Modals: Improved bulk and single action modals help prevent check-ins from being unintentionally/accidentally assigned a co-coach by providing users with a preview of their selected check-ins.
- Check-Ins: Delete Bulk and Single Action Modals: Improved bulk and single action modals help prevent check-ins from being unintentionally/accidentally deleted by providing users with a preview of their selected check-ins.
September 10, 2024
Version. 3.273.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-Ins: Extend and Notify Bulk and Single Action Modals: Improved bulk and single action modals help prevent check-ins from being unintentionally/accidentally extended by providing users with a preview of their selected check-ins.
- Check-Ins: Reopen Bulk and Single Action Modals: Improved bulk and single action modals help prevent check-ins from being unintentionally/accidentally reopened by providing users with a preview of their selected check-ins.
- Check-Ins: Revised Bulk Mark As Excused Modal: Improved bulk action modals help prevent check-ins from being unintentionally/accidentally excused by providing users with a preview of their selected check-ins.
September 5, 2024
Version. 3.272.0
Resolved Issues:
- Check-In Scrolling: A check-in agenda will no longer scroll over the navigation tabs.
- Salesforce Metrics - Verify Configuration: The "verify" option within a Salesforce metric will again consider filter logic when returning results.
- Competing User Management Automations: When using automations to populate user management information (group/manager/permissions), competing automations are now prevented.
- Check-In Deletion Redirect: When a check-in is deleted using the actions button in the agenda section, the user will now be redirected to the check-in list view.
August 29, 2024
Version. 3.271.0
New Features:
- Check-In Saved Filters: Select the filters for a specific status, program, manager, etc to create and save a custom check-in view for quick access to the information you need. Learn more here.
- Scheduled Coaching Report - Check-In Export Workflow: A scheduled coaching report workflow allows users to schedule and send check-in data from a saved check-in filter to their email inbox. The frequency and recipients (licensed and unlicensed users) can be customized. The report will be send to the email addresses as a downloadable .xlsx file, and the files will contain agenda items and responses. Reports have a limit of 20k check-ins.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-In Filter Additions: Check-in filters now include filters for "managed program" and "start date" and the ability to filter check-ins by multiple templates, programs, or cadences instead of just one.
- Check-In Export Columns: The check-in export now includes columns for the name of any associated program, managed program, cadence, recurring check-in, check-in template, and program template. Note that these exports are limited to 1000 check-ins and do not include agenda items or answers.
Resolved Issues:
- Competitions - Editing Issue: Resolves an issue where the "start time" of a challenge was being cleared upon accessing the edit form which prevented saving further edits. The start time will no longer be cleared and edits to challenges can be made as expected.
- "Test" Anthem Button - User Settings: The test anthem button within user settings will again display and begin playing the selected anthem as expected.
August 27, 2024
Version. 3.270.0
Resolved Issues:
- Check-In Creation: Resolves an issue that was preventing programs where 1000s of check-ins had co-coaches from being created.
- User Upload - Salesforce User Source: Resolves an issue where managers were not successfully being assigned to users when selecting "Salesforce" as the user source during CSV upload.
- Salesforce Integration - Sync New Objects: Salesforce objects that are being synced into Ambition for the first time will sync with no issue.
- Leaderboard - Play Anthems: Anthems will again be accessible through the "play anthem" button that appears when a user/group is in the top 3 on a leaderboard.
August 21, 2024
Version. 3.269.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Manager Tab - Ability to Edit "Managed Since" Date: On the manager tab, a "managed since" date is visible. It is the earliest point in time that a user began being associated with this manager either directly, through a skip-level connection, or a group. The managed since date can now be edited for a single user or in bulk. The "managed since" date can be adjusted as needed, but cannot be set before the managed user's activation date in Ambition.
- Check-In Notification - Site Wide Notification: A banner will appear at the top of the Ambition interface when there is a check-in meeting occurring in the next 10 minutes or if one has begun in the last 5 minutes.
- Coaching Manage Grid - Co-Coach Language: The change from "Add Co-Coaches" to "Manage Co-Coaches" provides the user with more clarity on co-coach single selection options from the check-in and action plan manage grids.
- "Lessonly Lesson" Agenda Item Renamed "Seismic Learning": The Lessonly Lesson agenda item has been renamed to "Seismic Learning" to reflect the rebrand of Lessonly.
August 15, 2024
Version. 3.268.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Manager Tab - Visibility into Which Manager Created the Skip-Level Relation: On the manager tab, the relation column will now feature the name of the manager the skip-level connection is created through, ex. Skip-Level through Joe Smith. Additionally, the manager's name that the skip-level connection is created through will be a link to the respective manager's user settings page.
- Start 1:1 Now - Default Agenda to Content Block: To help assist with capturing quick coaching moments, when creating a "Start 1:1 Now" check-in, the agenda will pre-populate with a content block agenda item.
- Accessibility - Added [lang] Attribute: Defined that pages in Ambition are default lang=en to inform screen readers of the default language on the page.
- Accessibility - Give Links Discernible Name: Added appropriate aria-labels to pagination buttons, logos, thumbnail images, action buttons, main header search, and competition graph buttons to improve the navigation experience when using a screen reader.
Resolved Issues:
- Tab Styling for Action Items: Resolves issue where action items tabs, ex. current program check-in, were not displaying properly.
- Integrations - Notify When Data Format Mappings Are Used in Metrics: Added restriction to the data format form to protect users from deleting/changing fields/field mappings that have dependent metrics that would otherwise be deleted.
August 13, 2024
Version. 3.267.0
New Feature:
- Accessing Action Items and Notes in Check-Ins: The accessibility of rating categories, action items, and notes on lengthy check-ins will be improved through a new floating component experience. The action item and note cards also feature new expandable drawers, making it easier to interact with large numbers of notes or action items without losing access to other options on the page.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Start 1:1 Now - Save Without Required Item: Many managers use content blocks in the agenda of their "Start 1:1 Now" check-ins to document the details of their in-person employee check-ins. Content blocks are not a required agenda item and, due to our existing agenda logic, required managers to include additional agenda items to force the agenda to save. This change allows managers to save "Start 1:1 Now" check-ins without a required item so their process is faster and easier.
- Adding Co-Coaches Within Check-In and Group Check-In Forms: When creating a coaching check-in or group check-in, the optional "co-coaches" field is now moved to the end of the creation form. This change will help users stay focused and create coaching events quicker by avoiding unnecessary clicks.
August 8, 2024
Version. 3.266.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Coaching Agendas - "Add New Item" Search: The "add new item" selector when creating coaching agendas now supports searching for a specific agenda item by name, ex. if the letter "f" was input, the agenda item options shown would be limited to "feedback" and "file upload"
- Unify Manager Modals: The help and button text and placement of the manager permission indication is now unified across all the "assign manager" modals for a more predictable experience when assigning a manager to either a user or group.
August 6, 2024
Version. 3.265.0
Resolved Issues:
- Integrations - Accessing Salesforce Settings on "Apex Pusher" Tab: The settings data found under the "Apex Pusher" tab in a Salesforce integration is accessible again.
- Hierarchy Selector Loading Performance: Improves the processing of the hierarchy selector when opting to "select all" and loading lists inside a modal. Prevents an error that limited selection to 25 users/groups when more than 25 were attempting to be selected.
August 5, 2024
Version. 3.264.1
Resolved Issue:
- Integrations - Search and Status Page Error: Resolved an issue where the "Search" and "Status" pages within an integration were unaccessible.
August 2, 2024
Version. 3.264.0
Resolved Issues:
- Metric Agenda Item Resize: Resolved an issue where the "Show Records" portion of the Metric agenda item would incorrectly resize when toggling between "optional" and "required".
- Manual Entry Integration - Selected Date: When inputting data in manual entry integrations, the date selected by the user will be respected instead of trying to account for the user's time zone.
- Analytics - Progress Bar Display: Resolved an issue within analytics where the progress bar for scores above 1000 was not displaying as full, completed progress bar.
July 31, 2024
Version. 3.263.0
New Feature:
- Visibility into Managerial Relationships - "Manager" Tab: Users that have manager permissions will have a new, additional tab titled, Manager, in their user settings. The manager tab will list all employees that are managed by the respective manager. The relationship to the managed user will be shown as well as the "managed since" date, or the date the employee began being managed by the respective manager. Available manager relationships: "direct" - the manager directly manages an employee. The manager is set as the "manager" in the employee's user settings. "skip-level" - the employee is directly managed by a manager that the manager manages, Ex. Manager A manages Employee A. Manager B directly manages Manager A. Employee A is then a skip-level employee of Manager B. "group" - the employee is a member of a group that the manager manages. The name of the respective group(s) will be listed as well. Additionally, all user setting pages are updated to our new tab stying.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Embed URL Agenda Item is Now Embed Media: Formerly "Embed URL", the "Embed Media" agenda item now allows users to input URLs or HTML and provides better support for video content from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. Users can copy and paste the desired Share URL or Snippet in the "Embed" field and preview the agenda item (iframe) in the agenda builder. This improvement also includes better error messaging for situations where an item cannot be embedded.
- Check-In Cards - Simplified Content: Users can find the check-ins they need faster with simplified check-in cards. The title of the card shows employees the name of the manager associated with a check-in while managers will see the name of the employee. This change also allows for more space for Program and Check-In details providing more clarity to the check-in cards.
Resolved Issues:
- Gong Tab in Coaching Check-Ins: Resolves an issue where Gong calls were not being filtered down to the respective employee of the check-in.
- Salesforce Package Install Redirect: The install app button will correctly redirect to the app download page.
July 22, 2024
Version. 3.262.0
Resolved Issue:
- Assign Group Manager When Group is Automated: Resolves an issue where a group manager was unable to be added in-line on the group types/group page when the group type is automated (populated by the User API or Salesforce attribute sync).
July 18, 2024
Version. 3.261.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Visibility into Direct Report When Manager is Automated: If an organization has opted to automate the "manager" field, they will now be able to view the direct reports that are assigned to each manager on the user management page in list form. Previously, if automated, the number of direct reports was not clickable since the direct reports couldn't be edited. Editing direct reports will not be allowed since the field is automated, but this changes provides visibility into the direct reports that are assigned to each manager.
Resolved Issues:
- Duplication of Workflow Value or Name: Resolves an issue with the TinyMCE editor where the metric value/target and the user's names were being duplicated in a workflow's message.
- Check-In Card - Image Formatting: All corners of the large user/manager image will be rounded.
July 16, 2024
Version. 3.260.0
New Feature:
- Email Notification for Excused Check-In: This excused check-in email notification improves communication by alerting employees when their manager has excused a check-in. The email includes details on the specific check-in that has been excused, the reason it was excused, and a quick link to the check-in in Ambition in case the employee needs additional context.
July 11, 2024
Version. 3.259.0
Change to Existing Features:
- Add Managers to Group on Group Manager Page: Group managers can be added directly from the group types/groups page. The number of managers on the group grid is now clickable which will allow you to edit group managers in-line. Previously, you had to enter the group, go to the managers tab, and make appropriate updates. The members and managers columns are also moved next to the group name. The "created by" information has been moved to the last column on the group grid.
- Check-In Combined Action - Excuse an Expired Check-In: Managers can now excuse expired check-ins without needing to reopen them first and capture the reason for excusing the check-in. This functionality is available for both single and bulk actions.
- Check-In - Remove "Mark All Excused" Option: The "Mark All Excused" button has been removed in favor of a more efficient bulk action experience on the manage grid detailed above.
- Agenda Items - External URL and File Upload: The external URL agenda item is now available in check-in templates, programs, and program templates. The file upload agenda item is now available in programs, action plan templates, check-in templates, and program templates.
Resolved Issue:
- Grids Showing All Selected Rows: All selected rows will be highlighted instead of every other selected row.
July 8, 2024
Version. 3.258.0
Resolved Issues:
- Recurring Goals on TV Slides: Resolves an issue with viewing upcoming goals on "goal" TV slides.
- Coaching Programs - Add Employees: Resolves an issue where a manager could select and save a list of employees before the data had finished loading.
- Scorecards - Grid View: Resolves an issue where attempting to access the grid scorecard view would result in an error.
- Salesforce Attribute Sync - Manager: Resolves an issue where the CSV user upload process was being detected as the User API. We do not support competing automations for updating a user's manager, so the manager field was unable to be mapped from Salesforce.
July 2, 2024
Version. 3.257.0
New Feature:
- User Management - Action to Assign Direct Reports to Manager: On the user management page, if a user has manager permissions, there will be a new "Assign Direct Reports" action available when clicking the ellipses icon next to their name. Additionally, a count of direct reports will be shown in a column on the user management page to provide insight into how many direct reports are assigned to each manager and quickly identify if a manager has an incorrect count of direct reports (or no direct reports at all!) The count of direct reports will be clickable for swift adjustments if direct reports need to be added or removed.
Change to Existing Feature:
- Goals Manage Grid - Delete Option: Goals found on the "All Goals" tab can now be deleted in bulk! The new bulk action allows multiple goals to be deleted at once. Additionally, completed goals can be deleted through the bulk action.
- Action Item Emails: If a user creates an action item for themself to complete, they will no longer be notified by email that an action item was created.
Resolved Issue:
- Group Member Count - Salesforce Profile Attributes: Resolves an issue where the group member count could reflect inactive accounts when populating groups based on Salesforce profile attributes.
June 28, 2024
Version. 3.256.0
New Feature:
- "Zoom Calls" Agenda Item: Managers can now provide more specific feedback and coaching on employee performance using the "Zoom Calls" agenda items. When managers select the "Zoom Calls" agenda item, it will prompt an employee to attach one of more of their Zoom calls for review, and the manager can additionally request that the employee leave feedback on the selected calls. Employees can then choose the call they want to share with their manager. The "Zoom Calls" agenda item is available in all coaching agendas except group check-ins and their templates. The Zoom integration must be enabled - learn more here.
Change to Existing Feature:
- Group Check-In Manage Grid - Finish Option: Group check-ins can now be finished in bulk! The new bulk action allows multiple group check-ins to be marked finished at once.
- Group Check-In Manage Grid - Delete Option: Group check-ins can now be deleted in bulk! The new bulk action allows multiple group check-ins to be deleted at once.
Resolved Issue:
- Group Type Display: Resolved an issue where all group types were not visible within the group manager page.
June 25, 2024
Version. 3.255.0
Resolved Issues:
- Deleting an Out of Office Event: Resolves an issue where deleting a user's out of office record was not correctly updating the user's scorecard targets. If the prorating scorecard targets feature is used alongside out of office, deleting out of office records will correctly restore the non-prorated targets for users who had previously been marked out of office.
- Check-In Status Change: This fixes an issue where a check-in that had moved from "Answers Due" to "Excused" didn't display the updated status until the manager refreshed the page.
Group Check-In Notes: Resolved an issue with note tracking for group check-ins.
June 18, 2024
Version. 3.254.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Action Items - Default Assignee: The action item creation process is simplified by making the employee of a check-in the default assignee. Action items associated with group check-ins do not have a default assignee.
June 13, 2024
Version. 3.253.0
New Feature:
- "Preview" Action for Templates: On their manage grid, coaching templates will now offer a "preview" action that allows for viewing all the agenda items that are a part of the template. Previously, viewing agenda items that are a part of a template required entering the template edit form.
Resolved Issues:
- Coaching Analytics - Accountability: Resolves an error that could occur when displaying deactivated accounts.
- Finish Managed Program: Resolves an issue that deleted programs when an admin unselected managers included in a Managed Program. The new behavior will "finish" a program when a manager is unselected, the program will be displayed in the list as 'Finished', and the associated check-ins will not be deleted.
June 11, 2024
Version. 3.252.0
New Feature:
- Sync Manager from Salesforce: Within the Salesforce user attributes syncing feature, there will now be the option of "Manager" within the Ambition fields dropdown. Support is added for mapping the Salesforce "Manager" field to the Ambition "Manager" field within a user's settings. Setting, updating, and removing a user's manager in Salesforce will update their manager in Ambition when the "manager" field is mapped.
Change to Existing Feature:
- Ability to Edit Challenge Timeframes While Challenge is "Scheduled": Previously locked upon challenge creation, the start date, start time, end date, end time, and time zone will be editable while a challenge is still in the “scheduled” status. Additionally, once a challenge becomes active, the time zone of challenges will now display in the edit form.
Resolved Issues:
- Full Out of Office Range Will Display Within a Competition: The full date range, ex. Jun 5-7, 2024, will now display within the competition. Additionally resolves an issue where a user’s scheduled time off would not be shown within the competition if the start and end dates of their out of office period were outside the start and end dates of the competition.
- Sorting Coaching Programs by Last Modified Time: Resolves an issue sorting columns on the Coaching: Programs page. Specific columns affected were Last Modified Time, Paused, Created By, Last Modified By, and Template.
- Progress Bars Correctly Display Percent-to-Target: Users who have made no progress towards their scorecard target will no longer display with a full progress bar on a percent-to-target TV slide.
May 30, 2024
Version. 3.251.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Metric Library Export: CSV exports of an integration's metric library will now order the metrics alphabetically by metic name.
May 28, 2024
Version. 3.250.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Metric Library - Created and Modified Details: The metric library, left navigation > metric library, will feature created by, created time, last modified by, and last modified time details for metrics. Data will be populated for new metric additions and metric modifications going forward.
May 21, 2024
Version. 3.249.0
Resolved Issues:
- Manually Finish Coaching Program: The ability to manually finish a coaching program has been restored.
- Duplicate Content in "Start 1:1 Now": Template content in "Start 1:1 Now" check-ins will no longer appear duplicated.
May 20, 2024
Version. 3.248.2
Resolved Issues:
- Manual Entry Integration - Data Entry: Data can again be input within a manual entry integration without impacting the data of previous days.
- Zoom Integration - User Sync: Users in Zoom without a set timezone will be handled and will allow the Zoom user sync to sync successfully.
May 16, 2024
Version. 3.248.0
Resolved Issues:
- Editing Recurrence Dates - Preview: Editing recurrence information will now preview future dates instead of showing dates based on the originally chosen start date.
- TV Branding - Logo and Background: Editing aspects of a TV branding will no longer remove a previously saved logo or background image unless they are explicitly edited.
May 9, 2024
Version. 3.247.0
New Feature:
- Zoom Chat Integration: Ambition's Zoom integration allows you to send workflow notifications directly to Zoom channels and users to further drive employee engagement and recognition. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Coaching Analytics - Accountability Dates: Coaching accountability now groups check-ins by due date instead of start date to give admins a more helpful look into when coaching is happening.
- Program Manage Grid - Finish Program Option: Programs can now be finished in bulk! The new bulk action allows multiple programs to be marked finished at once.
Resolved Issue:
- Employee Custom Landing Page Selection: Resolved an issue where an employee's custom landing page selection would be overridden when their account was updated either from Salesforce or through a user CSV upload.
May 7, 2024
Version. 3.246.0
Resolved Issues:
- Previous Action Plan Visibility: Action plans from previous check-ins will again be accessible within the check-in action plan's "previous" tab.
- Permissions - Individual Access: The user selector now include the user's thumbnail.
May 2, 2024
Version. 3.244.0
New Features:
- User Management - Bulk Action to Assign Manager: Managers can be set/updated in bulk on the user management page. Selecting the checkboxes next to users' names will reveal a bulk action of "assign manager". Additionally, support is added for setting/updating a single user's manager without having to enter the user's profile. Clicking the ellipses icon next to a user's name will reveal an "assign manager" option. If the User API is used to populate the manager field, the "assign manager" option (both in bulk and single user) will not be offered.
- Check-In as Landing Page Option: "Check-in" will be an additional landing page option for customers with the coaching and check-in features enabled. If selected, users will be taken directly to /coach/check-in/ upon logging in to Ambition.
Resolved Issue:
- Loading Coaching Templates: Resolved long load times when accessing coaching check-in templates.
April 30, 2024
Version. 3.242.0
New Feature:
- Template Usage Reporting: Template grids now note the last time a check-in or action plan using the template was created and the number of active recurring check-ins, programs, or group check-ins using the template.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Default Check-In Status for Employees: All check-ins are now shown to employees by default making it easier to see completed and expired cards. Improved experience of filtering check-ins by status and check-in type.
Resolved Issues:
- Duplicate Check-In: Resolved an issue where editing a recurring check-in could result in duplicated check-ins.
- Goal Email - Improved Progress Values: Goal progress emails will feature the current progress percentage, the target value, and respect any metric formatting, ex. $ or %.
- Exporting Check-ins: Users with only Coaching: All Access permission, and no other coaching permissions, can successfully export check-ins.
April 25, 2024
Version. 3.241.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Scorecard - Metric Attainment vs Score Attainment: The progress bars for scorecard metrics will now take into account just metric attainment, while the circle progress indicators to the right will represent score attainment. The progress bar is removed from lower-is-better metrics, and the delta (the amount you are above or below the target) will display instead.
- Custom Date Range on Metrics Tab: A "custom" time frame option is now available on the dashboard's metrics tab. If custom is selected, you will have the option to pick a specific start and end date for your custom date range. The existing "select displayed metrics" button has been relabeled as "select metrics".
April 23, 2024
Version. 3.240.0
New Feature:
- Integration IDs Included in User Management Export: Integration IDs will be included when exporting a CSV within User Management. The CSV upload has supported uploading integration IDs, and now you can download those integration IDs as well!
Changes to Existing Features:
- Coaching Instructions - Last Updated: Coaching instructions will now feature a last updated time, ex. last updated 2 hours ago, so managers can quickly see if instructions have been updated since their last coaching event.
- Styling Support for Printing Check-Ins: When printing a check-in, the main navigation, page breadcrumbs, and page header will be hidden. Additionally, all the check-in's contents will display in a single column.
Resolved Issues:
- Productivity Quadrant Visibility: Users can now see their entire team graphed on the productivity quadrant.
- Private Goals Tooltip: Updated the private goal tooltip to reflect that managers of the goal's employee also have access.
- Analytics - Dynamic Time Frame For Saved Report: Time frames for saved reports will dynamically update unless a custom time frame is selected.
- Analytics Data and Saved Report Slideout Delay: Improved the loading of saved leaderboards, saved analytics reports, and with filters within analytics.
- Action Item Widget Tab: Improved the experience of viewing the action item widget when there is only one available tab, ex. user viewing their own action items.
April 22, 2024
Version. 3.239.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Remove "Users: Bench" permission: Removed "Users: Bench" permission as the benching feature was deprecated in January 2024 and fully replaced by "Out of Office". The navigation tab under competition labeled "Benching" is relabeled as "Out of Office". "Benching" wording was also replaced with out of office references within the competition form and export.
Resolved Issues:
- Export Coaching Data: Ability to export coaching data is restored. Expanded the supported characters allowed when exporting.
- Expired Check-Ins Not Visible: Check-ins that have expired due to the employee not completing the agenda won't support a manager being able to mark them as complete.
- Account API - Org Admin and Manager Fields: The "is_org_admin" and "is_manager" fields will be accessible through the Account API endpoint.
- Group Manager - Delete Icon Placement: The "delete" button will no longer with the information banner when deleting groups in bulk within the group manager.
- Coaching Recurrences: Improved how a cadence processes check-ins when it is closed.
April 16, 2024
Version. 3.238.0
Change to Existing Feature:
- Check-In Export - New Columns: The check-in export will now include additional columns of check-in ID, employee email, and manager email.
Resolved Issues:
- Recurring Check-In Due Dates: Recurring check-ins will display the upcoming dates of future check-ins.
- Check-In Template Visibility: Managers who can create coaching templates will be able to view templates they've created.
- Starter (Out-of-the-Box) Coaching Templates Will Be Hidden: Starter coaching templates will not be visible to those with "Coaching: All Access" permission in cases where the "Ambition Templates" feature is off.
- "View Leaderboard" Option - Scheduled Leaderboard Email: The "View Leaderboard" option in a scheduled leaderboard email will correctly redirect to the respective leaderboard in Ambition.
April 9, 2024
Version. 3.237.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- User Management - Additional Filtering and Sortable Columns: The user management page now supports sorting the scored group and activation date columns and filtering by both field as well. Need to isolate a specific hire class by activation date and/or role - now you can quickly filter to find the users you're looking for!
- Remove "Can Edit Comment" Permission: Removed deprecated comment editing permission now that only comment creators can edit their comments.
Resolved Issues:
- Preview TV Slides: The ability for those without "TVs: Create permission to preview a TV slide is restored.
- Program Created Email: Reestablished emails being sent when a program and managed programs are created for managers.
April 2, 2024
Version. 3.236.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Action Plan Manage Grid - Bulk Actions: The ability to interact with multiple actions plans at once has been added to the coaching > manage > action plans grid. Available bulk actions include: extend and notify, mark as excused, reopen, add co-coaches, and delete.
- Text Wrap Added to User/Group Selector: User and group names were being truncated with ellipses which removed helpful context, ex. (Team), (User). Text will now be wrapped up to four lines before being truncated with ellipses.
- Competitions - "Score Breakdown" Graph Label: The "score breakdown" graph within a competition has been relabeled as "metrics". The graph displays values for the metrics being competed on, so the graph label is now more descriptive of the information being shown.
Resolved Issues:
- "Actions" button on Coaching Notes: The actions button will have consistent placement on notes card regardless of where they are being viewed.
- Cadence Description Text Wrap: Cadence descriptions will no longer wrap too early. Wrapping too early was causing longer descriptions to break onto multiple lines.
- Scheduled Leaderboard Workflows - End Date: In cases where a scheduled leaderboard workflow has an "end" set to their recurrence, we will support editing and updating the recurrence for cases where the leaderboard should continue to be sent out.
- Analytics Image Download: The ability to export an image of an analytics graph saved report has been restored.
- Completed Action Items Visibility: Completed action items are now shown for the current check-in or group check-in. Previously, only incomplete action items were shown.
March 29, 2024
Version. 3.235.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Rich Text in Slack Coaching Note Command: Users can now apply rich text from the Slack command to a coaching note in Ambition. The /ambition note Slack command now supports bold, italics, and underlined text as well as numbered lists and hyperlinks.
- Check-In Manage Grid - Reopen Check-In Option: Check-ins can now be reopened in bulk! The new bulk action allows multiple check-ins to be reopened for employees at once. Helpful for when a company holiday or employee PTO caused multiple employees to miss the check-in due date.
- Workflow Events Tab - Time Frame Filter: Admins use the “Events” tab to monitor and troubleshoots workflows. We offer the ability to filter by a specific workflow. And now with this change, we're adding the time frame filter to the events tab allows admins to isolate workflows that occurred during a specific time frame.
- Accessibility Improvement - Accessible name for Action Buttons + Alt Attributes for Logo: Added accessibility attributes to ellipsis actions button, page header search, navigation toggle, navigation expand, and navigation logos.
- Remove Animated Message Ticket Toggle From TV Settings: A change in October 2022 removed the ability for a TV's ticker to scroll. However, the choice of having the ticker scroll or be static was still presented to customers. The "Animated Message Ticker" toggle is now removed from the TV settings.
- Metric Computation Field Disabled After Creation: The computation type of a metric - count, sum, average, most recent value - will be locked (not editable) after initial save. The change is to prevent users from updating metrics in a way that will lead to perceived incorrect data. Altering a metric's computation type fundamentally changes the metric, so we will now enforce creating a new metric in times where the original computation type needs to be changed.
- Action Item Buttons: All of a check-in's or action plan's action icons (Edit, Extend, Manage Co-coaches) will be left aligned with one another.
Resolved Issues:
- Employee Landing Page Updates: The ability for employees to update their landing page is restored.
- Salesforce - Verify Accuracy: Fields that cannot be verified will be surfaced to the user, and users will be notified when the results returned exceed limits for a single page.
March 26, 2024
Version. 3.233.0
New Feature:
- Starter (Out-of-the-Box) Coaching Templates: In this first version of Ambition's "out-of-the-box" coaching templates, we are providing check-in and program templates for three topics: 1:1s, Outbound Pipeline Review, and Opportunity Review. These agendas, descriptions, and coaching instructions provide customers with our recommended discussion points and goals for these types of coaching moments. These templates are 'unlocked' so coaching administrators can clone and customize or delete these as they see fit. Additionally, managers using these templates can edit or add additional agenda items to their personal check-ins and programs. No changes were made to existing permission sets with regards to template editing or agenda editing. These templates are controlled by a new feature flag: Ambition Coaching Templates. This feature flag will be enabled for new customers going forward. Our current customers will have this feature disabled by default.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Employee Response Section Will Be Hidden for Scheduled, Excused, or Expired Check-Ins: The employee response fields on a closed coaching agenda were unlocked, so it was common for an employee to type out their responses but they were unable to save or submit these answers. This change makes it clear to the employee that the agenda has closed and can no longer be filled out, or in the case of scheduled not ready to be completed.
- Display Smart Values (H,M,S,) Within Metric Agenda Item: Duration metrics will be converted to our smart value format, hours|minutes|seconds, when used inside the metric agenda item instead of displaying total seconds. Smart values are currently shown on dashboards and in analytics.
- Suggested Spell Check With Right Click: Within our rich text fields (agenda items, description fields, comments, notes, etc.) right clicking on a misspelled word will now show the user their browser's recommended spelling for that word. Previously, a right click would bring up our link input editor. Going forward this link editor can still be accessed from the rich text editor's toolbar.
- Sort Goals By Progress Percentage: On the Goals > Manage page, the progress column is now sortable so goals can quickly be sorted by completion percentage: high to low or low to high.
Resolved Issue:
- Group Manage Page Displays Multiple Scorecard Groups: In the case where the scored group type is changed for a customer that only uses half of our scorecard feature, ex. only has activity score turned on, the scored group will be changed for both parts of the scorecard (even the half not being used) to prevent duplicate scored groups from being displayed.
March 19, 2024
Version. 3.229.0
New Feature:
- 1:Many TV Slide Support - Shared Slides: Once assigned to a TV, any edits made to the shared slide immediately update the slide on all assigned TVs as well. Shared slides can be added and removed from TVs at any time. In the event a shared slide needs to be deleted, deleting the shared slide will remove the slide from all TVs where it has been assigned. Only those with "TV Shared Slides" permission will be able to create, edit, assign the slide to TVs, and delete shared slides. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Add Time Frame Selector to the Dashboard's Productivity Tab: The filters that are currently available for the quadrant report within Analytics will now also be available when viewing the "productivity" tab on group dashboards.
- Check-in's "Edit" Option - Ease of Access: Previously a check-in's edit button was hidden inside the unlabeled '...' ellipsis button. Many coaches were unaware that they can edit the check-in after it's created. No changes around permissions for who can edit a specific check-in were made, but rather this change only pulls the "edit" option out of the available actions accessed through the ellipses button if available. This will make it easier for coaches to update scheduling, co-coaches, or agendas when needed.
March 15, 2024
Version. 3.228.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-In Manage Grid - Delete Check-In Option: Check-ins can now be deleted in bulk! The bulk action can be found on the Manage Coaching > Check-ins page. Helpful when a test program creates many false check-ins or an old event needs to be removed. The option to bulk delete does not change logic for who can delete a check-in.
- Multi-Select Coaching Status Filter: The Check-Ins status filter was previously a single selector. Users were limited from being to find all check-ins except for those that are complete. The change turns the status filter into a multi-selector, allowing users to find check-ins across multiple statuses. It also removed the need for the Open status (which combined Pending Approval & Answers Due) and the All status (which represents all statuses). This does not change the default statuses that are shown for employees, co-coaches, managers, or admins. The status filter applies to both the Check-Ins (card view) page and the Manage Check-Ins (table view).
Resolved Issue:
- Metric Tab Total Differing From Record Count: In cases where a member joined a group midway though a week, month, etc, any records they personally contributed before they joined the group will still be displayed when viewing "records" on the metrics tab, but there will be an indicator of "not member of group when counted" to signify that the record is not being added to the group's metric total.
March 12, 2024
Version. 3.227.0
New Features:
- Add Agenda Item On-The-Fly: Coaches will now be able to quickly add a new agenda item to their coaching events, directly inside the agenda itself, without having to navigate to the edit form. On-the-fly agenda items will allow managers and co-coaches to add new topics when necessary, bringing more flexibility to the coaching experience. These agenda additions are only added to the current event, and will not be applied to any future events. Additions to repeating events must be created inside the event's edit form. You will be able to add on-the-fly agenda items to check-ins, action plans, and group check-ins. If the coaching event is already completed, coaches cannot add additional agenda items. This does not allow them to edit or delete any agenda items that may have come from an admin user (via templates, programs, or cadences).
- Ability to Scroll Through Slides While Viewing a TV: When viewing a TV, either live or in presentation mode, you will now be able to scroll through the slides on the left hand side of the TV.
- Add Historical Metric Attainment Context When Creating Repeating Goals: When creating a repeating goal, the target step of the form will now show the creator the selected users' historical performance. For example: if the user is creating a repeating weekly goal for appointments set, the updated form will now show them how many appointments each employee set 1 week ago, 2 weeks ago, etc. Historical attainment can help users create more SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals based on actual historical performance.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Competition Creation and Updating - Unifying Redirects to Manage Competitions: Unifying the experience of creating and updating competitions by always redirecting the user back to Competitions > Manage after they create or edit a competition.
- Cadence Weekday Selection Message: A descriptive error message has been added to notify a cadence creator when a cadence is attempting to be created with overlapping steps.
Resolved Issues:
- Check-In, Program, and Group Check-In Email Date Display: Coaching emails will display dates in the recipients respective timezone.
- Filtering Accolade Achievements by Timeframe: The ability to filter for accolade achievements by time range, ex. This Month, has been restored.
- Coaching Analytics - Employee Utilization Report: The employee utilization coaching report will again use the start date of the respective coaching event to determine if the event falls within the optional start and/or end date.
- View Competitions within Salesforce Lightning Components: The ability to view competitions when using any of Ambition's Lightning components has been restored.
March 7, 2024
Version. 3.226.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-In Manage Grid - Manage Co-Coaches Option: Co-coaches can now be added in bulk! The new bulk action allows co-coaches to be added to multiple check-ins at once. Helpful for when a new coach or manager needs to have visibility into an employee's historical or open check-ins.
- TV URL Update: On TV forms, the full TV URL is replaced with "View this TV" text and an icon indicating that clicking on the link will open the TV in a new tab.
Resolved Issues:
- Goal Progress Email: The email subject line and copy now better reflect that the goal has ended.
- Exporting Goals: Goals can be exported in bulk on the Goals > Manage page again.
- Comment Notifications: Comment emails will resume sending as expected.
- Metrics Tab Overlap: The name of the user or group will no longer overlap with the filter and comparison information on the dashboard metric's tab.
- Action Item Tab: The “current undefined” message will no longer appear to users on the action item tab in a one-off check-in. The action item widget is now displayed without tabs when part of a one-off check-in.
- Ability to Delete Previous Scored Group Type: For cases where a customer updates their scorecard group type, we will prevent the new scorecard group type from being deleted and allow deletion of the previous scorecard group type.
February 29, 2024
Version. 3.225.0
New Feature:
- New Workflow - Scheduled Spreadsheet Reports: Schedule a saved analytics spreadsheet report to send right to your email inbox. The frequency and recipients (licensed and unlicensed users) can be customized. The report will be sent to the email addresses as a downloadable .CSV file. Example: a report showing "last week's" totals can be sent out Monday morning to the team manager, showing them last week's performance metrics.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Unify Grid Text - TVs: To unify with other grids, the column headers of "Created Date" and "Last Modified" on the TV management and branding management grids are now relabeled as "Created Time" and "Last Modified Time".
- Remove "None" Wording for Scorecard Group: Removed the "None" wording from the "Scorecard Group" column within the members and membership history tabs of the group editor. If a member wasn't in a scorecard group, the text “none” would appear \(which is true\), but it makes it harder to see that the user isn’t in a scorecard group. Now the cell will be left blank if a users is not a member of a scorecard group.
Resolved Issues:
- Create New Group Button: The add new group button will no longer appear for those without Groups: Create permission.
- Cadence Delete Action: The duplicate "delete" icon seen when deleting a cadence is now removed.
- External URL Agenda Item Buttons: The "I Acknowledge" and "View Content" buttons on the External URL agenda item will now be the same size.
February 27, 2024
Version. 3.224.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Check-In Manage Grid - Mark as Excused Option: The "Mark as Excused" action has been moved into the available bulk actions on the check-in manage grid. If a manager or an administrator needs to mark many specific check-ins as excused, they can click all that apply and make the change in bulk. Scheduled, Answers Due, and Pending Approval check-ins can be excused.
- Manager Accountability - "Manager Data" Option: Coaching Analytics users can now view accountability data in two modes: Group Data or Manager Data. Manager Data, the new offering, will show all managers within the user's visibility (dependent on the executive visibility setting).
Resolved Issues:
- Restore "Finish" Option for Recurring Check-Ins: The ability to manually "Finish" recurring check-ins before their scheduled end date is restored.
- User Management - Employee Filtering: The "Hierarchy Selector" is removed from the user management filters as the page can only be viewed on an employee level. The existing Employee Selection filter remains which allows you to filter users by group membership or hand select specific employees.
February 22, 2024
Version. 3.223.0
New Feature:
- View Group Assignments in Analytics, Spreadsheet: Group memberships can be added as additional columns within analytics spreadsheet view. This enhancement is tailored for a more detailed employee hierarchy-level analysis, enriching your data insights without complicating the interface.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Character Limit for Embed and External URL Agenda Items: The external and embed URL agenda items now support URLs that are 2048 characters in length. Previous limit was 200.
- Label for Events Created by Ambition: Events that are created by the Ambition team will now be labeled as being created/modified by "Ambition", previously "Ambition Admin.
Resolved Issues:
- Progress Percentage Update When Adding Progress on Goals: A goal's progress percentage will correctly update on progress submission.
- Tab Headers on Mobile Widths: Spacing for tab header buttons is properly adjusted for a cleaner interface on mobile widths.
February 13, 2024
Version. 3.222.0
New Feature:
- Share Saved Reports With Others: Users can add "viewers" to analytics saved reports. These additional viewers will be able to find and view the saved report in analytics, but cannot edit or delete the report. Only users with permission to access analytics can be added as a viewer of a saved report.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Goals - Employee Filter: The goals "employee" filter will now support quickly identifying goals that a specific employee is participating in as a group member.
- Manage Competitions - Time Frame Filter: Competitions can be filtered by time frame in order to find competitions that are occurring, example This Week, Last Quarter, Today.
- Cadence Same Day Enrollment: Employees can start a cadence on the same day they are enrolled.
- Export as CSV By Default: All exports will default to being exported as a CSV, unless there are multiple sheets included in the export. In cases of multiple sheets, the export will be formatted as XLSX.
- Scorecard Grid View - Ordering: Metrics will be ordered alphabetically on the scorecard grid view.
February 6, 2024
Version. 3.221.0
New Feature:
- Save Analytics Reports for a Different Owner: When a user saves an analytics report, the owner field will default to themselves. However, they can now optionally change the owner to any other user who has permission to access analytics. The new owner will be granted full editing capabilities of the saved report, which can be helpful for onboarding new users.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Ability to Edit Comments: Comments can now be edited by the original comment creator. This is a global change.
- Explicit Date Ranges on Time Selectors: Unify the experience of our timeframe selectors by including the explicit date ranges that are displayed for additional context, ex. This Year, 2024.
- Accountability Search Bar Results: The search bar within the coaching accountability page will now show an entity descriptor for the person or group. It will show if the available results are a Role, Employee, or any other custom group type. Example: Account Executives (Role).
- Add Rating Categories to Cadences: The coaching cadence create and edit forms now have a step to define the rating categories for the corresponding check-ins. Rating categories can be edited or removed for draft and open cadences.
- Action Item Widget Labels: The iteration will improve the Action Item list that is shown on the Manager Dashboard and inside Check-Ins, Group Check-Ins, and Cadences. It renames the two categorized tabs of the widget to 'My Action Items' and 'My Employees'.
- Icons for Action Buttons: All action buttons in coaching have a clear icon representing the desired action.
- Improve Help Text for Coaching Template Type: In coaching forms, the template type selector shows a more descriptive definition of locked vs unlocked templates.
- User Management Usability Improvements: The user management grid will now support bulk actions of inviting, deactivating, emailing, and exporting users. Additional notable changes are the "title" column is removed and a column that will feature the "Role" group type is added, the "Last Active" column has been renamed to "Last Login" and it will feature not only the last date a user has logged in, but will also show if a user hasn't been invited or if they have been invited but haven't logged in, and the red box formatting on the "issues" column has been reformatted to be a clickable blue number - upon clicking you will be redirected into the user's profile to resolve. Not having logged in and not being invited no longer count towards a user's issues in order to help identify true integration ID issues.
- Out of Office Management Changes: With the "benching" form being retired in January 18th release, the out of office management experience was updated. Notable changes are adding bulk actions of delete and exporting records in a CSV, adding a visible search bar, adding avatars of the manager and added by users, and making the "Dates" column the first column on the grid since it determines the grid's ordering.
- Competition Card Update: The cards that are featured on dashboard's competition tabs and the competition > overview page have a new look. Notable changes are unifying the height of the cards, highlighting the time left in the competition with an accompanying progress bar, clearly stating if a fantasy game is a regular season matchup or a playoff game, and displaying the number of metrics that are included in the competition as well as the specific metric names.
Resolved Issue:
- Align Cadence Progression Settings: Cadence progression options are realigned with the respective choice's selector.
January 30, 2024
Version. 3.220.1
Resolved Issue:
- Action Plan API Backwards Compatibility: A list of Action Plans from the public API will now include agenda items, serialized employee, and serialized manager as it did before December 2023 to maintain backwards compatibility with established customer solutions.
January 25, 2024
Version. 3.220.0
Resolved Issues:
- Group Check-In Date Format: The format of the meeting date in the group check-in list has been updated to be more readable.
- Analytics - Histogram Error: An error will no longer occur when histogram reporting is viewed by someone with no reports.
January 23, 2024
Version. 3.219.0
Resolved Issues:
- Create Goal within Coaching Event: Goals will able to be successfully created when adding the goal agenda item to coaching events.
- Accessing Dashboards - Ambition iFrame in Salesforce: The ability to access user and group dashboards within the Ambition iFrame is restored.
- Clearing Employee in Check-In Form: An error will no longer occur when the employee is cleared within the check-in creation form.
January 18, 2024
Version. 3.218.0
New Feature:
- Public API - Action Plan Template Endpoint: Ambition's Public API will feature dedicated endpoints for action plan templates. Learn more here.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Enable "Out of Office" Feature for Those who use the Competitions Feature: In August of 2022, the "out of office" feature was introduced, but not enabled for all competition customers. Out of office will now be enabled for competition customers to ensure an updated visual experience when benching users
- Manager Utilization Report - Renamed Column: The "check-ins created" column has been renamed to "Total Check-Ins" to be reflective of the data on the report.
- Active Competitions on Competition TV Slide: When creating a competition slide, only active competitions will be shown in order to make it easier to locate the active competition you wish to highlight on the TV.
- Group Join Date Clarification in Group Editor: A user's settings clarified group join dates were reflective of a user's time zone, and the same messaging is now present in the group editor.
Resolved Issues:
- Resume Program Timing: Paused programs will be resumed within 10 minutes of the chosen date and time.
- Update GIFs in GIF Library: The ability to set and update GIFs in the GIF library is restored.
January 11, 2024
Version. 3.217.0
Changes to Existing Features:
- Option to Finish Repeating Goals: Repeating goals can be marked finished which will prevent future goals from being created.
- Analytics Time Selector - New Timeframe Options: Today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days, this week, last week, this month, last month, this quarter, last quarter, this year, last year, and custom will be the offered time frames within analytics.
- Question Agenda Item - Rich Text: When adding a question agenda item into a coaching agenda, the creator can incorporate rich text into their question.
- Create Goal within Check-In: The goals tab within a check-in will feature the option to create a goal.
- Remove Auto Metric Field Type: The auto average, sum, average duration, and sum duration metrics field types will no longer be offered within data integrations.
January 4, 2024
Version. 3.216.0
New Features:
- Coaching Analytics: View Data for Themselves and Direct Reports Permission: An additional level of the existing "Coaching Analytics" permission allows for users to have their access within coaching analytics scoped instead of being able to view data for the entire organization. If Executive Level coaching visibility is enabled, users will be able to see coaching data for everyone in their hierarchical tree.
- Coaching Action Items Manage Grid: The new action items management grid conveniently displays all action items related to you in one place for a smoother workflow.
Changes to Existing Features:
- Leaderboard Interface Update: The leaderboard that is accessed thorough the left navigation has been visually updated with a gray background, the user/group will be located closer to their leaderboard value for easier association, and columns are sortable.
- Improved Action Item Widget: The existing action item view on dashboards and within check-ins will feature action items that are assigned to or created by the user.
- Coaching Template Type - Locked or Unlocked: Check-in, group check-in, and program template forms will offer a locked or unlocked option. Locked templates will not allow managers to alter the coaching event's agenda and future coaching events based on a locked template will be updated to reflect future template edits.
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