Create a Goal
Create a Goal
The respective level of the "Goals: Create" permission will control who you are able to create a goal for.
Can Create Goals for Anyone, Can Create Goals for Self, Can Create Goals for Subordinate Users/Groups.
1. Create a new goal through:
- the Quick Actions button > Motivate and Recognize > Goal
- the left navigation > Goals > Create
- the goals tab on a user or group dashboard
2. Complete the goal details.
Form Field | Field Description |
Goal Name |
We recommend the format "verb + outcome + time frame" |
Description |
Optional. Provide detail to assist in understanding the goal. |
Category |
Contribution is selected by default. Ambition categorizes goals into 4 different areas. While the category has no impact on the goal's data, these categories help identify that growth is being encouraged in all areas. We advise setting a variety of goals in different categories. Contribution - Positively impact bottom line of company, group, or self. Capability - Acquire new knowledge, skill, or competency. Connection - Build, develop, or reinforce relationships. Career - Take action to grow professionally. |
Description |
Optional. Provide detail to assist in understanding the goal. |
Visibility |
Is this a public or private goal? Public is default. Public goals are visible to all users within Ambition. Private goals can only be seen by the users involved, the creator, and those with the system admin permission set. Private goals can only be edited by the creator and those with the system admin permissions. If a private goal is created for an employee, their manager will also have visibility into the goal and have the ability to edit the goal. |
Will the goal repeat? |
Should this goal repeat every day, week, month? Yes is selected by default. If this goal is a goal that shouldn't repeat or a goal that needs a custom start and end date, select No. |
3. Select the goal's owner. The goal's owner determines whose data populates the goal.
Form Field | Field Description |
Hierarchy Level |
Select the group type, or level, that you wish to create the goal for. Is this a goal for a user(s)? Select "Employee" Is this a team goal? Select the appropriate team group type - Role, Location, etc. Creating a goal for yourself? To assign a goal to yourself, you will select Hierarchy Level Employee > you! Read more about Ambition hierarchy levels here. |
Owner Selection Type |
Select "All" or "Specific". If "Employee" was selected as the hierarchy level, select "All", "Within", or "Specific". Selecting Specific or Within will prompt you to select the specific groups or users from the "Available" list. Is this a goal for: Employees > All? Employees > Within > BDR Role? Users > Specific > Joe Smith? Locations > Specific > Boston and Atlanta? |
Special Note about the Employees > Within > "Manager" or selecting the "Manager" Hierarchy Level In Cases where a Manager Manages other Managers.
If Manager A is listed as a Manager B's manager within their User Settings, any of Manager B's direct reports will also be considered as users Manager A manages, or Manager A's subordinates.
4. Establish the scheduling of the one-off or repeating goal.
If "No" was selected as the answer to "Will the goal repeat?" in Step 1 of the form.
Form Field | Field Description |
Start Date and End Date |
The time frame for the non-repeating goal. If the goal should not start and end today, click on the calendar icon and use the calendar picker to select the appropriate start and end date. Data will populate the goal based on the goal's time frame No explicit time zone is selected. Goals will begin at 12am and end at 11:59pm UTC. A goal's time frame cannot exceed 366 continuous days. |
If "Yes" was selected as the answer to "Will the goal repeat?" in Step 1 of the form.
Form Field | Field Description |
When will the goals start? |
Select the start date of the first occurrence of the repeating goal. You cannot create a repeating goal to start in the past. If the goal should not start today, click on the calendar icon and use the calendar picker to select the appropriate start date in the future. |
How often will the goals repeat? |
Select the interval and time frame. Intervals 1-30 are available. Time frame options are day, week, month, and year. If "week" is selected, you can then select specific days of the week that the goal should occur. If you only select a single day, the goal will be open for a week. |
Do you want a reminder email to update targets? |
Since goal targets can change week over week, month over month, etc, do you want to be prompted to update targets before the next occurrence of the repeating goal starts? "No" is default. If "Yes" is selected, select how many days before the new goal starts that you would like to be notified. The email correlates to the "Repeating Goal Reminder" within your notifications. If you want to be reminded, make sure this notification is on! |
Will the goals stop repeating? |
Would you like for this goal to repeat indefinitely, after a set amount of occurrences, or end on a certain date? If "Never" is selected, the goal will continue to repeat until manually finished. If "After x Occurrences" is selected, the goal will finish after it's occurred the set amount of times. If a specific date is selected, no new goals will be created after the respective date. |
5. Determine what data the goal should track and establish the base target and any custom targets.
Form Field | Field Description |
How will the goals be tracked? |
Will the target automatically be tracked through an existing metric (best practice) or will this manually be updated through a form (common for Capability and Career Goals)? If you select Existing Metric (Automatic), you'll be prompted to select the existing Ambition metric to track for this goal. If you select Input Form (Manual) you'll be prompted to provide a metric name for the measurement of this goal (Conferences Attended, Modules Completed, Dollars, etc). |
How will the goals be calculated? |
Should the goal's data be summed or averaged? Ex. For a monthly goal, do you want a sum of the total expansion revenue for the month or do you want to average the expansion revenue over the course of the month? Note: Averages will be computed on a record level basis not a daily average basis. Example if a goal is wanting to be set to track a user making an average of 25 calls a day, select "Sum" and input a target value that is 25 x goal's length in days. Activity and Objective Score are inherently averaged. Ex. If a goal is set to track daily Activity Score over multiple days, the values will be averaged together instead of summed. |
Metric / Metric Name |
If "Existing Metric (Automatic)" was selected, select the metric that's data will populate the goal. If "Input Form (Manual)" was selected, input a metric name that describes what the manual goal will be tracking? Note: If Activity and Objective Score are selected, it's important to remember they are calculated based on specific time frames. Example if your organization utilizes a Monthly Objective Score, a Weekly Objective Score goal's value will represent the monthly value instead of calculating the gain in Objective Score over the respective week. |
Base Target |
Input the target value of the goal. For a manual entry goal, how will this goal be reached? What is the success threshold? Note: If Talk Time is calculated in seconds, the goal's target will also be represented in seconds. Example if a Daily Talk Time goal is created and the desired target is 2 hours, input 7200. |
Targets are different |
If creating less than 100 goals, select if the goal's target changes over time or varies from user to user/group to group. When selected, a table featuring the goal owners and targets will appear. You can adjust targets per user or group, and can adjust targets for future occurrences of the goal if the goal will repeat. |
6. Verify that the goal/goals being created match your expectations.
If multiple goals are being created, optionally click "Preview All Goals" to view a preview of all goals.
A visual preview of this goal will be generated along with a notification of how many goals will be created. No data calculations will be computed until after saving.
7. If you are creating a one-time (not repeating) goal for a single user or group and have "TVs: Edit" permission, you can optionally add the goal to a TV.
Add Goal to TV:
Select the respective TV(s) you'd like your goal to appear on from the “Available” list.
Optionally select a Start and End Date from the respective dropdown if you'd like the slide to be added and/or removed from the TV at a specific point in time.
Goals can be added to a TV slide at any time by creating a goal slide as well. If creating repeating goals, they can be added to TVs by creating a goal slide. When displaying repeating goals on a slide, the active or most recent occurrence of the goal will display.
8. Click Create Goal(s).
If you are creating more than one goal, you will be asked to confirm your understanding of just how many goals are being created. Click the Confirm button.
Note: A goal will track historical data starting from the day it was created. If a goal is created after the start-date of that goal, Ambition will show a linear line from 0 on the first day of the goal, to X points, on the day the goal was created.
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