Managerial and Group Dashboards
Being a manager, you are concerned with the performance of your employees. In Ambition, there are several ways to access your employees and view their performance.
How can I search for users or groups in Ambition?
How do I find out which users are members of a group from the group's dashboard?
How can I access my "managerial" dashboard?
How can I search for users or groups in Ambition?
You can search for users or groups by using the search bar in the upper left-hand section of the page.
Simply enter the name in the search bar. If there are two or more users or groups that share the same name, the type will appear in parentheses next to the user or group's name. Ex. employee, manager, group type's name.
In the screenshot below, typing in "Ashley" returns two search results:
- "Ashley Bahrami (Manager)" which is Ashley's Managerial dashboard
- "Ashley Bahrami (Employee)", which is Ashley's personal, user dashboard
Searching for managerial dashboards will be limited to those with system admin permissions.
How do I find out which users are members of a group from the group's dashboard?
Once you've navigated to a group's dashboard, you can find out which users are members and managers of a group by clicking the Contributors and Managers button. Managerial dashboards will feature a Contributors button.
You can see if a user is a member or manager of a group by looking at the title that appears beside their name under the "Type" column. It is possible for a group's manager to be listed as just a manager of the group, or as both a member and manager.
Amber is listed as a member of the "Columbus" Location Group, whereas Aaron is listed as a manager of the group.
Fatima, Gavin, Genevieve are all members of the "Boston" location group, but Grant is both a member and manager of the group.
How can I access my managerial dashboard?
Managers can access dashboards for any of the groups they are a member or manager of by opening the left navigation and select Dashboards.
The dashboards tab will list a personal dashboard, dashboards for all groups that the user either belongs to as a member or is listed as a manager of, and managers will have the additional dashboard tab of "managerial" dashboard.
To access your managerial dashboard, open the left navigation and select Dashboards > Managerial.
On the managerial dashboard, managers can view the collective activity and objective score data for all users they manage, the productivity tab (if both activity and objective scores are enabled), the metrics tab, coaching data, any competitions that users they manage are participating in, as well as any accolades that users they manage have earned.
Special note in cases where you are listed as a manager's manager: If Manager A is listed as a Manager B's manager within their user settings, any of Manager B's direct reports will also be considered as users Manager A manages, or Manager A's subordinates. Data that these direct reports contribute will appear on your managerial dashboard, analytics reports, TV slides, etc.
Example of the Manager field within User Settings.
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