Group Users in Ambition
Ambition uses a type-based hierarchical model to organize your users into teams, divisions, offices, competitions and more.
What is a Group?
Groups are collections of users representing the organization structure of your business.
What is a Group Type?
Group Types are generic levels of hierarchy. Examples include: Office, Team, Division, Region. You can create Group Types (and then Groups within each type) for filtering across the platform.
What makes the "Role" Group Type special?
The "Role" Group Type is created by Ambition, and while it can be renamed, it cannot be deleted. It's used to organize employees into their functional roles, so you can establish Scorecards (metrics and targets).
If needed, you can change the "special" Scorecard Group Type. Learn more about making that change here.
Also check out the related articles:
How do I create or edit Groups and Group Types?
What's Best Practice for Groups and Group Types?
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