Create Group Types and Groups
Users with the "Group Types: Create" permission will be able to create group types.
Users with the "Groups: Create" permission will be able to create groups.
Want to see examples and best practices for group types and groups? Learn more here.
Access the Group Manager
1. Open the left navigation and click Administration > People > Groups.
2. Upon accessing the Groups tab, you will see the Group Manager.
If you can have permission to "Edit All Groups", then all group types and groups that your organization has created will be found here. Don't see anything? Click here to learn how to add groups and group types.
If you have permission to "Edit Subordinate Groups", then only group types that contain groups where you are listed as a manager of will be found here. You will have visibility and access to editing groups where you are listed as a manager.
After accessing the Group Manager you can:
Create a Group Type
1. Click + Add Group Type in the group manager.
2. Type in a name for your new group type.
What is open membership? "Open Membership" provides the ability for users to self-join groups in this group type. In addition to "Open Membership" being selected, users will need the "Group Memberships: Edit" permission set to "Can Join Open Groups".
3. Click Save Group Type.
Create a Group
Note: A user can only be a member of one group per group type. Ex. A user cannot be a member of both the Nashville and Boston location groups.
1. Select the appropriate Group Type on the left side of the group manager.
2. Click + Add New {Group Type Name}.
Why would a group not have a "Created By" user listed? Groups created through CSV upload, Salesforce attribute sync, or the User API won't have a creator listed.
3. Type your new group's name.
Limit of 256 characters. The name cannot contain semicolons.
If you wish to create multiple, new groups at once, click + Add Another Group and enter the next new group's name. Repeat as needed.
4. Click the Create Group(s) button.
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