Generated Records
Ambition only creates records for data that it can successfully map to a user with an active license in Ambition.
Additionally, if no metric logic is in place, records will not be generated.
Less Records Generated
Ambition only creates records for data that it can successfully map to a user existing within the system.
If you upload 450 records and Ambition only shows 430 records created, this most likely means that 20 records were tied to somebody not yet created within Ambition.
More Records Generated
Ambition will create records for data that it can successfully map to a user existing within the system.
If you upload 1 record and Ambition shows 2 records generated, this most likely means that the uploaded record contained 2 user fields that both contained Ambition users.
No Records Generated
Data can be uploaded before metric logic has been put in place, but no records will be generated.
The example below shows the first upload, 6816 records uploaded, but no records generated.
Before the second upload of data, metrics were built within the integration and resulted in records being generated.
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