Manually Update Users
You can manually update a user through:
Manually Update a User Through Their Dashboard
If you're updating more than 15 users, it may be faster to edit users via CSV Upload.
The respective level of the "Users: Edit" permission will control who you are able to edit:
Can Edit All Users, Can Edit Subordinate Users, or Can Edit Self.
1. Access the dashboard of the user you wish to edit.
↳ You can search for a specific user by name through the "Search" bar at the top of the screen.
2. Click the "Edit Profile" button on their user dashboard.
You will be navigated into user settings.
3. Make the necessary updates.
If your organization uses our Salesforce integration and find areas in the "Details" section of a user's profile grayed out (ex. email address) or unable to select the dropdown menus (ex. Time Zone), these fields were populated directly from Salesforce.
Updates must be first made in Salesforce and then will be reflected in Ambition.
While not grayed out, if your organization uses Single Sign-On with Ambition, any manual changes made to your First or Last name will be overwritten. Any needed updates must be first made in the Identify Provider and then will be reflected in Ambition.
4. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the user's settings.
If you need to update several users, save time by updating multiple users at once.
Manually Update a User Through the User Directory
1. Open the left navigation and click Administration > People > Users.
2. Search for your user in the top right box labeled Search.
3. Once you've found the user you'd like to edit, click on their name (in blue).
Alternatively click the ellipses icon in line with the user and Edit.
4. Make the necessary updates.
If your organization uses our Salesforce integration and find areas in the "Details" section of a user's profile grayed out (ex. email address) or unable to select the dropdown menus (ex. Time Zone), these fields were populated directly from Salesforce.
Updates must be first made in Salesforce and then will be reflected in Ambition.
While not grayed out, if your organization uses Single Sign-On with Ambition, any manual changes made to your First or Last name will be overwritten. Any needed updates must be first made in the Identify Provider and then will be reflected in Ambition.
5. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the user's settings.
If you need to update several users, save time by updating multiple users at once.
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