Company Name and Logo
Update Company Name or Image
Any user with the "Organization: Edit" permission can update the company name or image.
1. Open the left navigation and click Administration > Organization.
2. The company logo and name will be updated within the Overview tab.
3. Make the appropriate updates:
Company Logo
An avatar or company logo for branding use across Ambition.
The Company Logo will appear:
- On the Organizational Dashboard (admin permissions only)
- When the "Organization" hierarchy is used within a Goal, TV slide, etc.
Update Company Logo
Click the Choose Image button.
Select the image you wish to upload from your device.
Pro tip: your company's LinkedIn or Twitter image is a great resource for an already smaller sized image.
Company Name
The name that will be displayed across the Ambition site and all related communication.
The Company Name will appear:
- On the Organizational Dashboard (admin permissions only)
- When the "Organization" hierarchy is used within a Goal, TV slide, etc.
- Within the email invitation that user receive, "<Company Name> has invited you to join Ambition"
4. Click the Save button.
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