Create an Accolade
The respective level of "Accolades: Create Accolade" permission will control who you are able to create an accolade for.
Can Create Accolades for Anyone or Can Create Accolades for Subordinate Users.
Create an Accolade
1. Create a new accolade via the Quick Actions button, Motivate and Recognize > Accolade, or through the left navigation, Accolades > + Create.
2. Complete the accolade form.
What is this Accolade called?
Accolade Name:
If eligibility to achieve an accolade is limited to a specific time frame, we recommend including the time frame in the naming convention.
Optionally provide detail to assist users in understanding the accolade.
Choose an image from our library or upload an image that represents this accolade!
↳ Click Upload Image if you opt to upload an image from your device.
How do Employees Earn This Accolade?
Accolade Type - There are 3 different types of accolades that you can create.
1) Metric Performance:
Establish a single threshold for employees to achieve. This can include a single metric or multiple metrics.
1. Eligibility dropdown: How often can employees earn this accolade? If monthly is selected, users will be able to earn this accolade once per month.
2. Optionally list an Incentive that is associated with achieving the accolade.
3. Select the metric from the dropdown menu and add the target for the metric selected. (Click the + New Metric button to add additional metrics if needed.)
- Note: Ratio metrics, Formula Builder Metrics created by division, are not applicable to Accolades
Example: A $40k Revenue / Month Club Accolade would select Monthly for Eligibility, Revenue for Metric, and 40000 for the Monthly Threshold.
2) Metric Performance with Multi-Level Progression:
Establish increasingly difficult levels for employees to unlock and achieve (ex: 5, 10, 25, 50 meetings set). Create up to 10 Achievement Levels, each has their own name, incentives, & targets.
1. Eligibility dropdown: How often can employees earn this accolade? If monthly is selected, users will be able to earn this accolade once per month.
2. Achievement Level Name: The form will default to Level 1, Level 2, etc. but these can be customized to fit your needs. Examples include:
- Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
- $50K, $100K, $250K, $1M...
- 25 Meetings Sets, 50 Meetings Set, 75 Meetings Set...
3. Level Incentives: Optionally add a customize incentive to each level, for example: PTO, $100, etc..
4. Metric: Select the metric from the dropdown menu and add the target for the metric selected. (Click the + New Metric button to add additional metrics if needed.)
- Note: Ratio metrics, Formula Builder Metrics created by division, are not applicable to accolades
Example: A Multi-Level, Monthly Appointments Held Award
If a record-level error results in a Metric Performance accolade being granted, adjusting the record will not automatically revoke the accolade.
Ex. 10th Appointment of the Month marked held in error, but record was already sent to Ambition and the 10 Appts Accolade Tier was granted. After the record is adjusted, the accolade will not automatically be removed. However, individual accolade achievements can be deleted!
3) Employee Discretion:
1. Eligibility dropdown: How often can employees earn this accolade? If monthly is selected, your employees will be able to earn this accolade once per month.
2. Who Can Award This Accolade?
1) Manager-to-Employee: Only managers can give this accolade type (ex: MVP of the Month).
2) Anybody-to-Anybody: Any user can give this to any user (ex: Shout-out Award).
3. Optionally list an Incentive that is associated with achieving the accolade.
Advanced Settings:
For all three accolade types, optionally click the gear icon to access the advanced settings in order to select a specific start and end date for when your employees can earn accolade:
Start Date:
Date the award is available to be earned, designating when Ambition will start collecting data towards the accolade. A start date in the past can be selected to allow historical data to be included towards the accolade's target.
Important to note, the start date selected does not change the eligibility time frame selected above.
If "All Time" is selected, the start date will determine which year the accolade will start collecting data rather than a specific date. Selecting a specific date will be over-written to January 1st of the respective year after saving the accolade.
For example, if June 15th, 2022 is input as the start date, after saving, the start date will update to be January 1st, 2022.
While selecting a start date in the past allows for users to be awarded accolades based on historical data, if an accolade is created at a point in time where users will already have achieved the entire accolade or a specific level(s), the displayed "Date Earned" will be the same as the date the accolade was created
Example an annual multi-level progression accolade is created in August, but the start date selected is January 1. Andy is listed as achieving 3 levels in the same day because that's when the accolade was created and earned.
End Date:
Date that the accolade will no longer be available to employees.
The end date is the date that Ambition will stop collecting data towards a user achieving the accolade, or in the case of a employee discretion accolade, the last day it can be manually given.
For successful awarding of an accolade, the end date options will only include today and dates in the future. If you are wanting to award a historical accolade with both start and end dates in the past, either select an end date in the future or leave the end date blank. After creation and awarding of the desired accolades, you can update the end date to the appropriate date in the past.
Which employees are eligible to earn this accolade?
Select the appropriate employee hierarchy level for this accolade.
ex. All employees, employees within a group/role/location, or specific employees.
Read more about Ambition Hierarchy Levels here
3. Click the Create button to create the accolade.
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