Group Scorecard Calculations
Group dashboards are perfect for seeing how specific teams, locations, and other groups in Ambition are performing.
Instead of having to view each individual user’s dashboard, a look at a group’s dashboard can show collective progress.
Ambition compiles data from each contributing employee using weighted averages that take into account the varying scorecards, metrics, and targets to generate a collective group score.
Can I see an example group scorecard?
Where do the targets on group scorecards come from?
I see a different value on the "metrics" tab than on the scorecard.
Can I see how a group scorecard is calculated?
What if group members aren't contributing?
How are points and percentages calculated if members aren't contributing?
What is the impact of user activation history on scorecards?
Group Scorecard Example
Here is an example of a competition team, Quota Crushers, with a daily activity score of 60.0
The Quota Crushers team has 3 members. The view below can be found by clicking the Contributors and Managers button.
Each member of the team belongs to a separate role (job function), and as a result has a different scorecard.
On the team's scorecard, the metric "activities" is listed with a target value of 70.
The current progress is 39 out of 70, but where does the values 88 and 100 come from?
Where do Group Scorecard Targets come from?
Group scorecards are not customizable themselves, but will be a direct reflection of the metrics, targets, and weights that each respective member of the group has been assigned.
For example:
The scorecard above has 39/70 activities. Two members of the Quota Crushers team, Christine and Carmen, have activities as an activity metric on their role's scorecard.
Christine and Carmen will be the only group members who contribute to the activities scorecard value on the team.
Christine is in the Customer Success Managers role, whose activity score includes activities. The Customer Success Managers daily target for activities is 20.
Mia is in the Sr. Account Executives role, whose activity score includes activities. The Sr. AccountExecutives daily target for activities is 50.
Since Christine and Carmen are on the Quota Crushers team, their daily targets for activities will be added together.
(20 Activities)*(1 Customer Success Manager)
(50 Activities) *(1 Sr. Account Executive)
= collective target of 70 activities for the Quota Crushers
This is where the denominator value of 70 comes from for the activities metric on the team's scorecard.
Christine has contributed 14 activities and Carmen has contributed 25;(14+25=39), so the team total for activities is 39/70 or 55% to target.
If there were more than two members of the Quota Crushers with the activities metric on their scorecard, the target(the denominator, in this example is 70) would increase.
The number for the activities metric on the activity score will more than likely be different than the metrics tab (explained below)
Why do the scorecard values differ from the metrics tab and analytics?
Group dashboards also have a metrics tab that will showcase values for all of your organization's metrics. The metrics tab viewed on a group dashboard, such as the Quota Crushers, will show the total value for each member of the group, regardless of their scorecard setup.
For Example:
The other member of the Quota Crushers team is Amanda who is in a role where the activity score does not include the activities metric.
Since the activities metric is not included on Amanda's activity score, Amanda's contributions to activities will not roll-up to the activity score for the Quota Crushers.
However, other areas of Ambition like the metrics tab and analytics will include Amanda's contribution towards the activities metric.
How are the scorecard points calculated?
Points for a group scorecard will be calculated by taking the points achieved per person and dividing them by the number of scorecard contributors.
The points per person at a group level are determined by the points the individual has attained based on their personal scorecard shown on their user dashboard.
To view the exact points per unit, per scorecard role, consult a role's scorecard or view an individual's dashboard in the case of custom targets.
Customer Success Managers Scorecard = 5 points per activity
Christine, member of the customer success managers role, has completed 14 out of 20 activities. Since the customer success managers get 5 points for every 1 activity, Christine has 70 points(14 activities *5 points = 70 points).
For the Quota Crushers, Christine's points will be divided by the number of contributing team members. There are 3 members of the Quota Crushers team, and they have all contributed data today.
70 personal points from activities / 3 team members = Christine brings 23.33 points for activities to the team.
What if group members aren't contributing activity?
Overall Activity or Objective Score Calculation
At the current time if Ambition does not receive any data associated to a employee, their score of 0 will not be averaged into the group score.
Similar to our "Out of Office" feature, if a user does not contribute activity, they will not negatively impact the team's score.
The image below shows a 7 person team where only 4 members have contributed activity.
51.5 + 52.5 + 35.8 + 60.2 = 200. 153/4 contributing team members = 50
Specific Metric Calculation on a Group Scorecard
Group Percentages and Points When Group Members Aren't Contributing
Group Percentage
The percentage is calculated by taking the metric's current value / target.
Group Points
Points for a group scorecard will be calculated by taking the points achieved per person and dividing them by the number of scorecard contributors.
The points per person at a group level are determined by the points the individual has attained based on their personal scorecard shown on their user dashboard.
Score Scenario 1 - Not All Members Are Contributing Activity
The Group has 4 members. However, Ross has yet to contribute, so the number of group contributors will be 3.
Role 1 has a Scorecard where tasks are worth 25% of the total score and .25 points is gained for every 1 task.
Marissa has achieved 80 / 100 tasks.
80 tasks x .25 points for each task = 20 personal points.
20 personal points / 3 group contributors = 6.66 points for Marissa on the group level.
Role 2 has a Scorecard where tasks are worth 50% of the total score and .25 points is gained for every 1 task.
Yu has achieved 100 / 200 tasks.
100 tasks x .25 points for each task = 25 personal points.
25 personal points / 3 group contributors = 8.33 points for Yu on the group level.
Role 3 has a Scorecard where tasks are worth 100% of the total score and .25 points is gained for every 1 task.
Jenna has a target override which makes her personal target higher than other fellow role members, so Jenna will achieve 0.0333 points for every 1 task.
Diego has achieved 250 / 3000 tasks.
250 tasks x 0.0333 points for each task = 8.3 personal points.
8.3 personal points / 3 group contributors = 2.77 points for Jenna on the group level.
Ross has achieved 0 / 400 Activities.
Since Ross hasn't contributed, he has gained no personal points and is not factored in as a group contributor.
Group Percentage
430 total tasks completed / the target of 3700 tasks = 11% to target.
Group Points
Sum of points per person at the group level: 6.66 + 8.33 + 2.77 =
17.77 points for the collective for the task metric.
Score Scenario 2 - All Members Are Contributing Activity
The Group has 4 members. All members have contributed, so the number of group contributors will be 4.
The example group has 4 members that are a part of 3 different roles.
Role 1 has a scorecard where tasks are worth 25% of the total score and .25 points is gained for every 1 task.
Marissa Phan has achieved 80 / 100 tasks.
80 tasks x .25 points for each task = 20 personal points.
20 personal points / 4 group contributors = 5 points for Marissa on the group level.
Role 2 has a scorecard where tasks are worth 50% of the total score and .25 points is gained for every 1 task.
Yu has achieved 100 / 200 tasks.
100 tasks x .25 points for each task = 25 personal points
25 personal points / 4 group contributors = 6.25 points for Yu on the group level.
Role 3 has a scorecard where tasks are worth 100% of the total score and .25 points is gained for every 1 task.
Jenna has a target override which makes her personal target higher than other fellow role members, so Jenna will achieve 0.0333 points for every 1 task.
Jenna has achieved 250 / 3000 tasks.
250 tasks x .0333 points for each task = 8.3 personal points
8.3 personal points / 4 group contributors = 2.08 points for Jenna on the group level.
Ross has achieved 300 / 400 tasks.
300 tasks x .25 points for each task = 75 personal points
75 personal points / 4 group contributors = 18.75 points for Ross on the group level.
Group Percentage
730 total tasks completed / the target of 3700 tasks = 19% to target.
Group Points
Sum of points per person at the group level: 5 + 6.25 + 2.08 + 18.75 =
32.08 points on the group level for the tasks metric.
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