Goal Notifications
Users will be notified via email when they are participating in a goal.
Goals can also be monitored within Ambition!
If you wish to opt out of email notifications, learn more here.
Goal Email Frequency
User will receive goal email notifications when the goal:
Goal creators can additionally opt into being notified to update targets of upcoming goals if they have created a repeating goal.
Things to Note:
If a Goal set at the "Organization" hierarchy level, it will include all Ambition users. "Organization" level goals will send goal email notifications and updates to every User in Ambition.
Email updates will also be sent for private goals. Anyone involved in the goal will receive email notifications and updates.
Goal Email Contents and Examples
Goal Starting
The email will contain:
- Goal's name
- Name of goal creator
- Goal's target
- If available, image of the respective goal participant. User, Role, Team, etc.
- Name of metric that's being tracked
- End date of goal
Example Email
Milestone Thresholds
Emails will be sent when the goal has reached the following milestones:
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 100%
- 150%
- 200%
The email will contain:
- Goal's name
- Respective milestone achieved
- Progress bar and current value of goal
Example Email
Goal Ending
The email will contain:
- Goal's name
- If available, image of the respective goal participant. User, Role, Team, etc.
- Actual percentage to goal achieved
- Goal's final value
- Goal's target
Example Email
Comment Made on Goal
The email will contain:
- Goal's name
- Name of user who made the comment
- Content of goal's comment
Example Email
Repeating Goal Reminder
The email will contain:
- Goal's name
- Name of metric that's being tracked
- The goal's frequency (how often the goal repeats)
- If available, image of the respective goal participant(s). User, Role, Team, etc.
- Name of the goal participants
- The current target for each participant that will be used when the next goal is created
- Date of the goals next occurrence
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