Landing Page
By default, when you log into Ambition as an end user, the dashboard shown is your personal, employee dashboard.
Those with manager permission will default to the managerial dashboard.
Those with admin permission will default to the organizational dashboard.
However you may find viewing your team, role, managerial dashboard, if applicable, is more beneficial to set as your "Landing Page", the dashboard that's shown first upon logging in to Ambition. Those who use the coaching check-in feature will have the additional option of setting the check-in page as their landing page.
You can set your landing page dashboard through the "Landing Page" dropdown located within your settings page
Set Landing Page
1. Click the "Edit Profile" button on your personal dashboard.
You will be navigated into user settings.
1. Open the left navigation, and click on your image and name in the lower left corner of Ambition, and select User Settings.
2. Locate the Landing Page dropdown.
Select the check-ins page or the dashboard you'd like to set as your landing page.
Dashboard options will be limited to groups that you are an active member of!
Ex. Erin is a member of the Account Executives Role, but manages the Business Development Reps. Selecting the Role Dashboard would display the Account Executives Dashboard as Erin's Landing Page.
Only those with system Admin Permissions will have the Organization Dashboard option.
Only those with system Manager Permissions will have the Managerial Dashboard option.
3. Make necessary changes, and then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
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