Group and Group Type FAQs
What is a group type?
Group type is the Ambition term that designates a level of hierarchy. Examples: Office, Team, Division, Region.
You can create group types (and then groups within each type) for filtering across the platform.
Why is the "Role" group type special?
By default, the "Role" group type will be used to organize employees into their respective job functions if the scorecard feature is utilized. The scorecard group type can be updated and changed to fit your organization's needs.
What does it mean for a group type to have open membership enabled?
If you click "Edit" next to a group type you will see that "Open Membership" is enabled. Open Membership means that employees can self-assign themselves to groups within this group type from their settings page.
For example, you have a "Team" group type that contains Team A, Team, B, Team C. When an employee logs in they can self-select which team they belong to from their settings page.
While Open Membership can be enabled, the permission "Group Memberships: Edit - Can Join Open Groups" must be enabled as well before users can join groups without being added by an admin or manager.
Can group types belong to group types?
No, at the current time you cannot stack group types to create vertical hierarchy.
What is a group?
Groups are collections of users representing the organization structure of your business.Â
A group exists within a group type and is composed of members and managers.
Can an employee be a member of multiple groups?
An employee can be a member of infinite groups, but only one group per group type.
For example, you have "Team" group type that contains Team A, Team B, Team C and "Office" group type that contains Office 1, Office 2, Office 3.
An employee cannot be a member of both Team A and Team B. They can however be a member of Team A and Office 3.
What does it mean to be a group member?
- Your metrics will aggregate up into the group's metrics.
- Your left navigation will contain a link to the group's dashboard.
- You will receive group notifications.
What does it mean to be a group manager?
- Your left navigation will contain a "Managerial" link that aggregates metrics for all member employees within groups that you manage + any users that have you listed as their manager within their user settings.
↳ If listed as the manager of a specific groups (Role, Location, Challenge Team), your left navigation will contain links to those group dashboards as well.
Special Note if you manage another manager - If you are listed as a Manager's Manager within their user settings, any of their direct reports will also count toward's your own managerial totals.
- Dependent on permissions granted by your organization, but commonly you will have access to edit users you manage as well as the ability to edit the the settings page of any groups you manage.
- You can optionally receive a Daily Digest email at a customizable time.
- You can create coaching programs, action plans, and coaching notes for the employees you manage.
- You can create and award accolades for the users you manage.
- You can create goals for yourself and the users you manage.
- You can view reporting and create saved reports.
↳ Learn more about best practices for viewing data here. - You can create workflow alerts to recognize users and create proactive notifications to help you manage users.
How many managers can a group have?
There is no limit to the number of managers a group can have. The only requirement to being a group manager is to have the system manager permission assigned.
Additionally, groups are not required to have a manager assigned to them.
Can somebody be both a member and manager of a group?
Yes, a user can function in a player + coach role by belonging to the group but also managing the group.
It is important to note that if a manager is included in the group's members, any data they contribute or do not contribute will be accounted in the group's score.
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