Review, Remind, and Escalate an Ask
How do I review the Ask(s) I submitted to my Manager?
My Ask is time sensitive. Can I remind my Manager or escalate an Ask?
My Manager is on PTO. Can I change the assigned recipient of my Ask?
Review Asks
1. Click the quick actions button, Give and Get Help > Review Asks, or through the left-hand navigation, Asks > Asks tab.
2. All Asks can be viewed, filtered, escalated, and modified in this pane.
To view more details about the Asks, change the toggle to Show Content.
When Show Content is selected, the Content, Reason, and Note from Recipient will display.
If you are unable to read the entire Content or Reason section, hovering over the respective sentence will reveal the full contents.
Click the Filters button to slide out the filter panel.
You are able to filter by:
- Status - Open, Escalated, Dismissed, Completed
- Type - Coaching, Competition, Edit, Goal, Help, Idea
- Search Content - Type to search content, reasons, notes of Asks.
Search Content Example. Tyler remembered submitting an Ask about a call blitz, but couldn't remember the exact type. Able to search for "blitz" and quickly locate the specific Ask.
Alternatively, a timeline and holistic view into all time asks can be viewed by clicking the Overview tab within Asks. Accessible through the left navigation > Asks.
Remind Managers and Escalate Asks
We recognize Asks can be time sensitive, so the ability to Remind and Escalate an Ask is right at your finger tips!
Remind Manager about an Ask
1. Click the quick actions button, Give and Get Help > Review Asks, or through the left-hand navigation, Asks > Asks tab.
2. Locate the open Ask that you need to remind your Manager about.
3. Click the icon on the respective Ask.
5. Click Remind "Manager Name" to send the recipient an email reminding them about your ask.
Escalate an Ask
1. Click the quick actions button, Give and Get Help > Review Asks, or through the left-hand navigation, Asks > Asks tab.
2. Locate the open Ask that needs Escalating.
3. Click the Escalation button.
If the Recipient has Asks Activity email notifications enabled, they will be notified of the escalation via email. Otherwise they will be able to view the Escalated status in app.
4. Verify the Ask reflects a Status of Escalated.
Note: Once Escalated, an Ask cannot be deescalated.
Change Recipient
If an Ask is submitted and you realize the Recipient will not be able to complete the Ask, you are able to change the recipient.
1. Click the quick actions button, Give and Get Help > Review Asks, or through the left-hand navigation, Asks > Asks tab.
2. Locate the open Ask where you need to change the recipient.
3. Click the icon on the respective Ask.
5. Click Change Recipient.
6. Select a new Recipient and click Change.
Recipient choices will be your Direct Manager in Ambition and any one with Admin permissions in Ambition.
Delete Asks
If you made an Ask in error or are no longer in need of having the Ask completed, an Ask can be deleted.
1. Click the quick actions button, Give and Get Help > Review Asks, or through the left-hand navigation, Asks > Asks tab.
2. Locate the open Ask that needs to be Deleted.
3. Click the icon on the respective Ask.
5. Click Delete.
6. Click Confirm when prompted to delete the Ask.
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