Create Action Item
When should I use action items?
Where can I view and complete action items?
What are Action Items?
Action items are text based deliverables created within a coaching check-in.
Check-ins are great conversation starters, and action items are created to document an outcome/to-do that arises out of a coaching session. Ex. Update this record in CRM, get approval on pricing for x contract, send out the calendar invite for next week's demo, etc.
When should I use Action Items?
Action items should be used to document coaching outcomes and deliverables for a user that:
- are simple yes/no deliverables
- may have been lost if a coaching note or check-in comment was used
- need to be seen all in one place
Create Action Items
Action Items can be created by anyone with coaching visibility for the respective user's check-in (manager, co-coaches, the user being coached, and any user with the "Coaching: All Access" permission) or group check-in (manager, co-coaches, all group check-in participants, and any user with the "Coaching: All Access" permission)
Users are notified through email when action items are created and assigned to them. If multiple action items are assigned to a user within a 10 minute span, the email will serve as a summary of all the action items that were assigned to them.
1. Create an Action Item through:
- the left navigation > Coaching > Check-Ins or Group Check-ins. Access respective check-in or group check-in where an action item should be created.
- a User's Dashboard > Coaching tab. Access respective check-in where an action item should be created. Click the ellipses icon,
, and then View.
2. Click New Action Item.
3. From the Assign To dropdown, select the appropriate participant of the check-in, manager, co-coach, or the user being coached, who is responsible for completing the action item.
In the example below, Ted is the manager.
If creating an action items within a group check-in, you can assign the same action item to multiple participants at once by selecting multiple assignees.
If everyone involved in the group check-in, including the manager and co-coaches, needs to be assigned the same action item, use the Select All button to quickly select all users.
4. Optionally select a due date and due time for the action item
5. Compose the action item and click Save Action Item.
Delete Action Items
Action items can be deleted by the manager or co-coach involved in the check-in/group check-in, or any user with the "Coaching: All Access" permission. If an action item is created for a manager or co-coach by a user with "Coaching: All Access" permission, the manager or co-coach cannot delete the action item.
The employee being coached can only delete action items they create.
1. Access the Action Item that needs to be deleted.
2. Click the ellipses icon, , on the action item.
3. Click Delete. Confirm deletion when prompted.
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