Most Recent Value Metric Type
What is the Most Recent Value metric type?
What are use cases for using the Most Recent Value metric type?
How do I create a Most Recent Value metric?
How does a Most Recent Value metric interact with Ambition features?
Most Recent Value Overview
Most Recent Value is a metric type that can be used with data received through a summary format Salesforce report or an API/FTP/File Upload/Manual Entry integration that uses the Daily Totals format.
Ambition offers Count, Sum, and Average metric types, all of which aggregate daily values over time to calculate values for This Week, This Month, This Quarter, etc. Most Recent Value will not aggregate an individual user’s daily values together, but rather display the most recent value that Ambition has received when viewing time frames larger than a day.
The "most recent value" is determined by the date found in the data's Date Field. We advise using a Today() field on Salesforce Summary Reports and using today's date for Daily Totals integrations to ensure that data is accessible and updated each day.
A value received Today would also be the user's Most Recent Value for This Week, This Month, This Quarter, and This Year. You are able to view historical values for individual days, but multiple days of data will not be added together.
In order to accurately reflect group data, data will be aggregated on a Group basis. When creating a Most Recent Value metric, you will select if the value should be summed or averaged on a group basis.
Most Recent Value Use Cases
Most Recent Value use cases include metrics where if daily values were combined to calculate a value for This Week, This Month, etc, inflated and incorrect totals would occur.
Example Metrics
Open or Held Metrics:
- #/$ Open Pipeline/Pipeline Held
- #/$ of Open Opportunities
- Total Number of Customers
Pre-calculated Percentages that you want Ambition to display but not aggregate over time:
- % to Annual Quota (helpful if your organization can't send raw revenue data to Ambition, but can send a calculated percentage to target)
- Renewal Rate
- % to target calculations if the Scorecard or Goal features are not available for your organization
Sales Hygiene Metrics:
- # of Accounts Not Touched in 30+ days
- # of Past Due Opportunities
- # of Last Stage Opportunities Without a Buyer Listed
# of Open Opportunities Example
An Account Executive is working the same 2 open opportunities all week. Ambition is sent a value of 2 Monday - Thursday to reflect the 2 open opportunities. On Friday, 1 opportunities closes, and there is a remaining 1 opportunity open. Ambition is sent a value of 1 on Friday to reflect the 1 remaining open opportunity.
When viewing the # of Open Opportunities for the week, rather than sum each day together, resulting in an inflated and incorrect value, using the Most Recent Value allows just the most recent value to represent the # of Open Opportunities left at the end of the week.
# Open Opportunities | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | This Week's # of Open Opportunities |
Calculated using a sum metric | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 9 - inflated, and incorrect! |
Calculated using a Most Recent Value metric | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 - correct! |
Create a Most Recent Value Metric
Most Recent Value metrics work with summary level data. Most Recent Value metrics can be created through using a summary format Salesforce report or an API/FTP/File Upload/Manual Entry integration that uses the Daily Totals format.
The "most recent value" is determined by the date found in the data's Date Field. We advise using a Today() field on Salesforce Summary Reports and using today's date for Daily Totals integrations to ensure that data is visible and updated each day.
Salesforce Summary Report
1. Create and format the summary report to be synced with Ambition.
For a summary report to be synced, Group by User Field and then Group by the Today() Date Field.
Add a numerical column to the report, hover over the column header and click the arrow, click Summarize, and then select Sum and/or Average.
2. Follow the steps found here for syncing your summary Salesforce report with Ambition.
3. After syncing the report, you will be prompted to create a metric. Click Create Metric on the prompt, or click Add under the Metric Library section.
4. Create the Most Recent Value metric.
Metric Logic
Name: Input the name of the metric. Visible to end users.
Description: Optional, but highly recommend for Most Recent Value metrics. Input a description for this metric. Visible to end users.
Source-of-Truth: Optional. Provide a URL to the dashboard/report that you're using to validate this metric.
Source Object/Report: Select the respective summary report.
Who Gets Credit?: Synced summary reports will display the User Field that the report is grouped by and was chosen upon sync as "User". Select "User".
If you need to verify the User Field's name and API name as it's listed in Salesforce, navigate back to Data Configuration > Reports > and click "Edit" on the respective summary report.
When Do They Get Credit?: Synced summary reports will display the Date Field that the report is grouped by and was chosen upon sync as "Date". Select "Date".
If you need to verify the Date Field's name and API name as it's listed in Salesforce, navigate back to Data Configuration > Reports > and click "Edit" on the respective summary report.
For Most Recent Value to operate as expected, the date field should be populated with Today's date.
Computation Type: Select Most Recent Value.
Group Computation Type:
While data will not be aggregated on an individual basis, group values are important!
Select if you want data to be Summed or Averaged on a Group Basis.
Most Recent Value Field: Select the field mapping that contains the Most Recent Value.
Formatting: Update the "Display As" to format the Most Recent Value as a Number, Currency, Percentage, or Duration.
Click the Confirm and Save Changes button to save the Metric.
Daily Totals Format Integration
1. Open the left navigation and click Administration > Data > Integrations.
2. Click Edit in line with the integration that uses a Daily Totals format where you wish to add a Most Recent Value metric.
3. If the respective field that is going to be used within a Most Recent Value metric is already a part of an existing Data Format's Field Mappings (any field mapped as a Number, (Auto) Sum metric, or (Auto) Average metric will allow the value to be used in a Most Recent Value metric), click Add under the Metric Library tab.
If not, begin by adding the new field as a Field Mapping. There is not an (Auto) Most Recent Value field type at this time, and we recommend mapping the field to the "Number" field type. Learn more here.
4. Create the Most Recent Value metric.
Metric Logic
Name: Input the name of the metric. Visible to end users.
Description: Optional, but highly recommend for Most Recent Value metrics. Input a description for this metric. Visible to end users.
Source-of-Truth: Optional. Provide a URL to the dashboard/report that you're using to validate this metric.
Who Gets Credit?: Select an available Email or Employee Unique Identifier field.
When Do They Get Credit?: Select an available Date or Date/Time field.
Computation Type: Select Most Recent Value.
Group Computation Type:
While data will not be aggregated on an individual basis, group values are important!
Select if you want data to be Summed or Averaged on a Group Basis.
Most Recent Value Field: Select the field mapping that contains the Most Recent Value.
Formatting: Update the "Display As" to format the Most Recent Value as a Number, Currency, Percentage, or Duration.
Click the Confirm and Save Changes button to save the Metric.
Most Recent Value Metrics and Ambition Features
After creation, Most Recent Value metrics are available to be used across all Ambition features.
Due to the nature of a Summary Salesforce Report, once a user no longer fits the report's filter criteria, they will no longer appear on the report. Therefore, Ambition will not be sent an updated value. Ex. A user goes from having "1" Open Opportunity to "0" Open Opportunities, Ambition did not receive the "0", and the user's most recent value will be represented with the value of "1" until a new value is sent to become the user's new, most recent value.
Most Recent Value metrics are available to be used with all report types.
When viewing a rolling time frame (last 7 days) or custom time frame (June 6th - June 20th), the most recent value from the selected time range will be displayed. If the custom time frame is a specific date, you are able to isolate historical data to the exact recent value that was received on that specific date.
Using the Time Series option in the Spreadsheet report or using a Graph report, allows for historical tracking and trends to be analyzed even though data is not being aggregated over time.
Time Series example of viewing "# of Open Opps" over multiple days
Graph example of viewing the trend line for "# of Open Opps" over multiple days
When viewing Leaderboards for preset or custom time frames, the Leaderboard will display the most recent value received during that time frame.
Ex. If a value was received Today, that value would also display as the most recent value for This Week, This Month, This Quarter, and This Year.
Percent-to-Target Leaderboards will display the most recent value in relation to the respective target.
Most Improved Leaderboards will compare the most recent value from the selected time frame to the most recent value for the respective time period being compared.
Most Recent Value metrics can be included on both Activity and Objective Scorecards as Higher-is-Better or Lower-is-Better metrics.
Daily Time Frame - Use the most recent value received Today to populate the user's progress towards the scorecard target.
Weekly Time Frame - Use the most recent value received This Week to populate the user's progress towards the respective scorecard target.
Monthly Time Frame - Use the most recent value received This Month to populate the user's progress towards the respective scorecard target.
Quarter Time Frame - Use the most recent value received This Quarter to populate the user's progress towards the respective scorecard target.
When using a Most Recent Value metric, an individual user or group Goal will populate once a value is received during the Goal's time frame. The value will continue to be overridden by any updates to the most recent value for "In Progress" Goals. Due to the nature of Most Recent Value, as long as the Goal is "In Progress", the Goal can be achieved and then fall below the target as values update over time. Values in Completed Goals will not be adjusted after the Goal's End Date.
Most Recent Value metrics can be used within Challenge and Fantasy Competitions. The respective competition will populate with data once a value is received during the competition's time frame. The value will continue to be overridden by any updates to the most recent value for "Active" competitions. Values in Finished Competitions will not be adjusted after the competition's End Date/Time.
If a Most Recent Value metric is used within Competitions, the values will be aggregated on a user basis (multiple days of a user's data combined together) ONLY if the "Sum Daily Averages" toggle is used.
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