Group Check-Ins
How do I create a group check-in?
What types of agenda items can be incorporated in group check-ins?
Who can interact with a group check-in?
What email notifications are associated with group check-ins?
Group Check-Ins Overview
Ambition’s group check-ins are built to support team meetings and group coaching events. These are recurring (auto-generated) conversations between a team lead and a group of participants. Group check-ins result in clear action items and agreements which can be reviewed in subsequent meetings.
Every Monday morning at 9am the enterprise sales team meets with their leadership team to review what happened last week, talk about open opportunities this week, and to discuss any blockers to success.
Ambition's group check-in will auto-generate each week's agenda and invite each participant to comment on the agenda items, complete action items, or to take notes.
Create a Group Check-In
Users with the "Coaching: Create Group Check-In" permission are able to create group check-ins for themselves to host and add users they manage as participants.
Users with the "Coaching: All Access" permission are able to create a group check-in on behalf of any manager.
1. Open the left navigation and click Coaching > Group Check-Ins.
2. Click + Group Check-In.
3. Complete the new group check-in form.
Field Name | Field Description |
What is the name of this Group Check-In? |
Required. The name will be used for all consecutive occurrences of the group check-in. The name will also be displayed on the group check-in cards which are shown on the user's coaching dashboard. |
Description |
Required. Provide details about the group check-in. The description will be shown on the group check-in summary page and within each recurrence of the group check-in. |
Objective |
Optional. If the group check-in has a specific purpose, bi-weekly meeting to increase conversion rate, we recommend defining an objective. |
When do the meetings take place?
Select the Start Date, Start Time, and Time Zone to establish the first group check-in. If the Group check-in should occur every Monday, select the next Monday on the calendar to begin. Participants will gain access to the meeting 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time.
A group check-in will automatically be marked "completed" 24 hours after the scheduled start time.
How often does a meeting take place?
Choose how often a new group check-in agenda should be created. If it's once a week on a specific day, choose "Week". If it's once a month, choose "Month".
When should the Group Check-In end?
Would you like for this group check-in to run indefinitely or end on a certain date?
If "Never" is selected, the group check-in will continue to reoccur until manually finished.
If a date is selected, no new group check-ins will be created after the respective date.
Group Check-In Meeting dates
Based on the recurrence options selected above, the first 5 meeting dates, if applicable, your group check-in will occur will be displayed. Verify the expected cadence matches the meeting dates summary presented.
Early Access for Manager and Co-Coaches
Managers and co-coaches can get access to the group check-in a set number of days before their team to review and edit the agenda. Status will be "scheduled".
If early access is not selected, managers and co-coaches will get access at the same time as participants, 24 hours before the scheduled meeting time.
If you have "Coaching: All Access" permission, first select the respective manager's name from the dropdown who the group check-in is being created for then continue by selecting participants.
If you have the "Coaching: Create Group Check-Ins" permission, you will begin by selecting participants.
Select Participants
Select All
Enrolls all users who are managed by the respective manager via groups or a user's individual profile settings.
↳ Example of the manager field in user settings.
Special Note if you manage another manager - If you are listed as a manager's manager within their user settings, any employees that roll up to them will also be considered your subordinate users.
Select Specific Participants
Selectors for adding groups and adding employees will appear.
Add Group
Click the Add Group button.
Select the appropriate group(s) that need to participate in the group check-in. All users within the selected group(s) will be selected as participants of the group check-in. The specific group members can be seen by clicking on the number in line with the group's name.
Click Save Selected Groups.
Add Employee
Click the Add Employee button.
Select the appropriate user(s) that need to be participants of the group check-in.
Filter options include any group types that have one of more groups that are managed by the respective manager.
Selecting multiple groups from the same group type will offer "Or" filter logic, ex. I want to enroll all users I manage that are members of the "Account Executives" OR "Sr. Account Executives" Role group type.
Selecting multiple groups from different group types will offer "And" filter logic. In the example above, Amy is in the New Hire role AND the Atlanta location. While Amber is a New Hire, she in the New York location so she’s filtered out with the AND Atlanta location filtering.
Click Save Selected Employees.
Compile your agenda by selecting a template from the "Start with Template" dropdown or adding agenda items from the "Add New Item" dropdown.
At least one agenda item must be added in order to save the group check-in.
Item Type | Item Description | Employee View of Agenda Item |
Content Block |
Rich text editor that can provide information or context to the coaching agenda. It can be used to give more information about the meeting's focus, to provide company updates, or link 3rd party URLs. |
Embed URL |
Iframe a 3rd party website directly into the coaching agenda. Be aware that not all platforms allow 3rd party embedding. If you are embedding a Google Sheets URL, we recommend embedding a URL generated through the "Publish to web" share option rather than "Share with others". Learn more here. |
Co-Coaches (optional)
Don't see the Co-Coaches option? The feature can be enabled by any user with system admin permissions. Enable Feature: Open the left navigation and click Administration > Features. Locate the Coaching: Co-Coaches feature, and toggle "On". Click the Update Features button to save.
Select users to assist the manager during group check-in meetings.
Co-coaches will have the same level of visibility and access as the lead manager, and they can be any Ambition user regardless of their permission level.
Participants of the group check-in can also be selected as co-coaches.
4. Click the Create Group Check-In button at the bottom of the form.
Upon creation, the first group check-in meeting will be created, and you will be taken to the group check-in's summary page. Here you can view the description, recurrence, and any historical or upcoming group check-ins.
Edit any future recurrences of this event by clicking the "edit" button.
View any details, copy the link, or finish the group check-in by clicking the "..." button.
What email notifications are associated with Group Check-Ins?
Group check-ins send out two types of email notifications, one to the users who manage the check-in and another to the participants. Defined as:
- Group Check-In Opened: This email is sent out to all participants of the group check-in. It is sent out at the time the group check-in is opened for them to view and engage with. It includes a directly link to the open event.
- Group Check-In Scheduled: This email is only sent out to the users who are managing the agenda, the creator (manager) of the event and any assigned co-coaches (which are optional). These users can be granted "early access" to the check-in so that they can update the agenda, add notes, or prepare any comments for the participants.
Both of these emails can be enabled or disabled from the user's settings page > notifications
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